W mieście Gothenburg porwano i brutalnie zgwałcono kozę. Wg dyrektora zoo w nocy w niedzielę dokonano porwania zwierzęcia. Dopatrzono się tego dopiero na liczeniu zwierząt w poniedziałkowy poranek. Po przeszukaniu zoo stwierdzono porwanie zwierzęcia. Odwiedzający wskazali pracownikom miejsce pobytu kozy w pobliżu ogrodu zoologicznego. Dopatrzono się śladów brutalnego pobicia, przypalania, wykorzystania oraz gwałtu. Zwierzę było w tak złym stanie, że zdecydowano się je uśpić.
Dodać trzeba, że jest to pierwszy tego typu przypadek w tym mieście. Do tej pory zdarzały się przypadki wykorzystywania koni (dziwne, że Szwecja jest tak postępowa i dla nich jest to normalne).
Sprawcy są na razie nieznani. Ale... gwałt na kozie? Któż by tego mógł dokonać
Cały artykuł po angielsku (jak nie rozumiecie, to do nauki):
Goat kidnapped, abused and raped in Gothenburg
A goat was kidnapped Sunday night from Slottsskogens Zoo in Gothenburg, and it was then subjected to abuse and rape.
- It had been abused, burnt, and we also found injuries in the vagina, says Per Åberg, who is head of the zoo.
It was when the animals were counted on Monday morning the zoo staff discovered that a goat was missing. They searched everywhere without finding the goat.
After a while the staff got a tip from visitors who seen a goat nearby, and it was found, abused and raped.
The mixture of injuries and abuse was so severe that it had to be killed.
- This has occurred at night or early in the morning, it was discovered only a few hours later. They had to call the vet and the vet had to put the goat down, says police spokesman Peter Adlersson to the Swedish newspaper Nyheter Idag.
Never happened before
No one has yet been arrested for the macabre cruelty, and that goats are kidnapped and subjected to rape is not something they have heard of before at the Gothenburg police station.
- Horses that have been abused happens every now and then, but this was something new I have to say, says Adlersson.
Adlersson says the police has secured evidence from the the goat, and hopes that there may be witnesses who were near Slottsskogen Zoo during Sunday night or during the early morning hours. Witnesses are asked to contact the police.
- We hope someone have seen something and contact us, he says.
The police does not want to reveal what the evidence is.
- No, not now, it would be good to keep it to ourselves if we get hold of a perpetrator.
We can only guess. Goat raped... Hmm, evidence, what could that be.