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Policjanci wyleczyli go najskuteczniejszą i najszybszą terapią - ołowiową. Źródło.

ukryta treść
The Monroe Police Department released the body camera video showing what happened the night officers shot a 35-year-old during a traffic stop.

On Feb. 11, Dustin Booth, 35, was stopped by Monroe police at New Garver Road and Lebanon Street around 10:45 p.m.

What led to the eventually deadly encounter between officers and Booth started more than eight hours earlier in the day.

Police said officers got a call from Booth’s wife around 2 p.m. saying he was experiencing a “mental health crisis” and was “a danger to himself and to others.” Police found Booth pulling into his neighborhood and tried to pull him over.

Booth continued to his home, got out of the car and went inside without complying, according to police.

Officers tried to contact Booth over the next several hours as he remained in the residence. Police say they saw Booth had a gun and that he had access to more weapons.

Police said he was “very agitated.”

Efforts by crisis negotiators and mental health professionals failed to resolve the situation, according to police.

To try and calm the situation, officers said they pulled back “in an effort to calm the situation,” but police kept an eye on the home for the safety of the community.

At some point, Booth left the home and got in the passenger side of a car that left the area.

Several officers followed and coordinated a traffic stop to try and take Booth into custody and have him hospitalized for a mental health evaluation, according to police.

Police said they did not have confirmation he was still armed but believed he might be.

At the intersection of New Garver Road and OH-63, Booth got out and failed to comply with the officers’ orders, instead of walking away from his car toward OH-63 with his hands raised.

The driver of the vehicle ran out of the car and yelled multiple times, imploring officers to “Stop him he has a gun!”
kzf 2022-03-06, 21:05 4
Policjanci: "Don't move!"
Nygr: *w agonii przestawia nogę*

A zapowiadało się na kolejną falę ołowiu
Zasysacz 2022-03-07, 17:57 1
Oho ale go pojechali jak z karabinu wszyscy na raz xD jebać nyge
marcino_zly 2022-03-07, 23:38 1
Zasysacz napisał/a:

Oho ale go pojechali jak z karabinu wszyscy na raz xD jebać nyge

Jak dla mnie skoro po ludzku nie usłyszał oraz nie zrozumiał to mu przekazali wiadomość alfabetem Morse'a.
Jak widać, wtedy dotarło.

Ewentualnie dorobili mu dziury na guziki.
t................0 2022-03-24, 23:47
[ 30 strzałów ] Don't move! Koleś podziurawiony jak sito na pewno będzie się ruszał (pomijam, że już zapewne nie słyszy co się drą).