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Newark, New Jersey — On May 3, 2023, at approximately 8:34 p.m. Newark Police Officers responded to a 911 call that individuals had been shot inside a residence on Johnson Avenue in Newark. The investigation revealed that responding officers encountered a man leaving the residence where the two individuals had been shot. The male was observed to be discarding an item inside a nearby dumpster. A semi-automatic handgun with a large capacity magazine was located in the dumpster later in the evening.

Multiple officers chased the male, later identified as 29-year-old Everett Rand, on foot while other officers gained entry to the home on Johnson Avenue. Rand fled around the corner to the sidewalk where two officers from the Newark Police Department, Officer Steven Ferreira and Officer Ryan Castro, discharged their firearms at Rand, fatally wounding him. A handgun, not belonging to law enforcement, was recovered near Rand. When police entered the residence, they found a 27-year-old man from Newark deceased from a gunshot wound and an 8-year-old boy who had been struck by gunfire. The child was transported to University Hospital where he was later pronounced dead.
edek_kotek 2023-09-19, 7:45 2
"Smoluch zarobił"....... a ja już myślałam że za uczciwą pracę się wziął
JanJankowski 2023-09-19, 7:56 4
Dredowy smoluch złodziej i morderca. Na szczęście zdechł
Duczki1234 2023-09-19, 10:42
Stary dobry rewolwer załatwił by sprawę o wiele skuteczniej ,

donkapusta 2023-09-19, 19:36 1
Zarobił? Ukradł, żeby chociaż za nie zapłacił. Bo cena jego życia jest bezwartościowa.