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Półtoraroczna dziewczynka zmarła po tym jak wypadła z balkonu podczas zabawy w Indiach. Według opisu mamusia była wtedy zajęta telefonikiem.

Oryginalny opis:
ukryta treść
A one and a half year old girl died after falling from the fourth floor of a hotel in Rajkot city of Gujarat, India. The girl had come to attend an engagement ceremony with her mother. While playing, she fell down from the balcony. The girl died on the spot. At the same time, the hotel staff alleges that the mother was busy using her mobile at the time of the accident.
In an unrelated note, disgusting individual is seen walking on that nasty floor barefoot, typical action in smelly-land.
~_Yarko_ • 2021-02-27, 21:48

Film bez dźwięku, więc chrupnięcie trzeba sobie wyobrazić.