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Zajebali bankomat
Jesse.Pinkman • 2023-09-03, 19:39
Gęby się nagrały więc długo wolnością się geniusze nie nacieszą.

ukryta treść
Surveillance video from the One Stop Market shows the wild scene as the stolen truck went all the way inside the building.

The burglars tried to pick up the ATM but it wouldn’t budge because it was bolted to the floor, so they reversed the truck into it, pushing back the store’s counter and doing a lot of damage in the process.

Store owner Dhirash Tewari was up early opening the shop. The glass is gone and boards are up, but he’s not letting that stop him.

“There’s a lot of damage, over $50,000. In eight years, we’ve never had a problem like this, said Tewari.

Tewari said it will take a lot of money to fix all the damage.