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Ja tu wysiadam
Jesse.Pinkman • 2021-10-21, 20:31
Powinna przynajmniej zaczekać, aż autobus się zatrzyma.

...do czegoś zobowiązuje. Były marine wyrwał broń napastnikowi a drugi spierdolił. Szkoda, że ucięte w najlepszym momencie.

Oryginalny opis:
ukryta treść
A man who used to serve in the Marine Corps helped stop an armed robbery at a gas station in Yuma on Wednesday morning. The Yuma County Sheriff's Office said two people dressed in black went into the Chevron and one of them was armed with a handgun. Surveillance video shows a customer wearing a hat at the counter, holding a bag.

The armed man points the gun at the gas station worker but that's when the customer pushes the gun away and takes a swing at the suspect. The man disarmed the would-be thief and detained him until deputies arrived. YCSO said when asked how the customer was able to take control of the situation, he replied, "The Marine Corp taught me not to (mess) around."

The second suspect and a third suspect who was standing outside ran off from the store and haven't been found.

The armed suspect is under 18 and was booked into the Yuma County Juvenile Justice Center for one count of armed robbery and one count of aggravated assault. No one was hurt. An investigation is underway.
Najlepszy komentarz (37 piw)
Manolito666 • 2021-10-21, 13:22
Szacun. Co innego pieprzyć głupoty, co to by się nie wyprawiało, a co innego wcielić to w czyn. Automatycznie i bez zastanowienia.