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Pan Cortez uszkodził...
Jesse.Pinkman • 2021-12-14, 10:41
...kilka samochodów w okolicy i według źródła po spotkaniu z policjantami i terapii taserem i ołowiem zmarł w szpitalu.

Oryginalny opis:
ukryta treść
Glendale police released edited body camera footage of an officer involved shooting that took place on Wednesday, November 3, 2021. The incident occurred near the area of 62nd Avenue and Maryland Avenue. Officers were responding to the area on a complaint that there was an individual who was damaging cars in the area. When officers arrived they found a suspect matching the description of the callers. The suspect later was identified as 26-year-old Jose Enriquez Cortez. Cortez jumped in a car to get away from the scene, hitting an officer’s patrol car in the process. Several officers followed Cortez vehicle through the neighborhood attempting to get him to stop. At one point, Cortez jumps out of the car and begins charging and acting erratically towards officers. Officers used a taser to de-escalate the situation, but it was ineffective. Cortez then charged at officers while reaching behind him, it was then that an officer shot Cortez. Despite life-saving measures, Cortez was pronounced dead at a local hospital.
Flodzia • 2021-11-04, 7:40

Na razie to tylko ostrzeżenie
Najlepszy komentarz (23 piw)
notak • 2021-11-04, 7:51
trzeba być zdrowo jebniętym, aby jechać za takim srajdermenem