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Fresno police released video Friday from officer-worn cameras from the night a man tried to commit “suicide by cop,” according to police. The 26-year-old man identified as Ryan Brooks was critically wounded in the shooting about 10:30 p.m. Dec. 22, according to police. Officers shot Brooks outside Fort Washington Fitness, where the call appeared to originate, at the shopping center near North Friant Road and Fort Washington Avenue in northeast Fresno. The video shows the officers fire more than a dozen rounds, and continue to fire after Brooks went to the ground. Police say he was still a threat as he was seated. Lt. Bill Dooley said Friday that the officers involved have not been named but returned to work after a routine paid leave of absence related to the shooting.

He told The Bee that police would not say Friday how many rounds were fired or how long either officer has been with the department. Dooley said the video includes all of the information that investigators are ready to release and nothing further was available Friday to protect the investigation. “An officer-involved investigation is a thorough investigation,” he said.

It only came to light later, according to police, that Brooks himself made the 911 call that brought officers to the scene, where they found him driving erratically in the parking lot before stopping in a dirt field on the southwest corner nearest to Woodward Park. “I’m at Fort Washington Fitness,” he says on the 911 call. “There’s someone driving around saying they’re going to start shooting people.”

The newly released video also shows an officer speaking to Brooks over the phone as the officer is on his way to the scene, but Brooks does not admit to the intentions police have said he had. Police have said Brooks was trying to draw the attention of officers, and, when they stopped him, acted suspiciously with his hand in his pocket. He pulled what appeared to be a gun from his pocket and took a “shooter’s stance,” police said, before he was shot by two officers. Officers can be heard in the video repeatedly telling Brooks to take his hand out of his pocket, and saying “I’m going to shoot you” at least once. Brooks had his right hand in his pocket and his left arm was straight at his side, video shows, before pulling his hand out quickly. He was holding a green plastic toy gun in an effort to commit “suicide by cop,” Deputy Chief Burke Farrah said on the night of the shooting by police.

Upon reviewing the video, the community advocacy organization “Fresno Building Healthy Communities” demanded police reform and action to be taken by the City of Fresno and the Fresno Police Department. The organization characterized the police shooting of more than a dozen rounds as “recklessly fired” and said the community’s safety was put at risk. “This latest case involving Mr. Brooks further demonstrates that the Fresno Police Department is not equipped to respond to mental health calls,” the organization said in a news release. “We cannot allow this violent behavior to continue. Fresnans are still demanding real reform. It is unacceptable to continue to pay for a public safety system that is not safe at all.”

Attempts by The Bee to reach Brooks were unsuccessful. He has been released from Community Regional Medical Center, according to a hospital spokesperson. Brooks faces possible criminal charges for resisting police and brandishing an imitation firearm, both misdemeanors, police have said. The Fresno County District Attorney’s Office has not received reports from investigators that would allow prosecutors to decide whether to charge Brooks, according to Assistant District Attorney Jerry Stanley, a spokesperson for the district attorney’s office. Brooks has not been charged as of Friday.
Latający Taj
Jesse.Pinkman • 2022-02-01, 14:23
Wysoki lot i piękne akrobacje w powietrzu, w komentarzach noty od sędziów.
...i przystawił jej nóż do gardła więc go odjebali. Akron, Ohio.

Oryginalny opis:
ukryta treść
AKRON, Ohio. The Akron Police Department released Body Camera (3) 911 call pictures and details about an Officer Involved in a fatal shooting that occurred on December 23- 2021 at approximatively 3:45 am at 26th Street SW.

A woman called to report that her estranged husband identified as 58-year-old James W. Gross 58 years old broke into her home.

This happened after seven previous incidents, a restraining order had been filed against Gross the day before in court, the woman says. Police officer arrived Less than five minutes into the call.

As police assess the situation, officer outside heard the wife screams.

"He broke my door open," she yells in the 911 call.

Police decide against sending in a K9 decide to enter the home knowing that the woman report that the man is was armed with a baseball bat and knife.
Officer went upstair broke the bedroom door and saw the ex-husband holding a knife to the throat of the woman, an officer tasers Gross making him falls but continues to hold the woman at knifepoint. That’s when a second officer shot Gross, police said, hitting him twice.

w los angeles 14-latka o innym kolorze skóry postanowiła podziobać nożem klientów...
Najlepszy komentarz (57 piw)
gzr • 2021-12-28, 10:11
Mzimu napisał/a:

Z karabinem ? Tak, wiem, czarna małpa zasłużyła, ale przecież wokoło są ludzie, a ściany z płyty GK.

Przez taką świnię kule na wylot nie przeszły.