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...i przystawił jej nóż do gardła więc go odjebali. Akron, Ohio.

Oryginalny opis:
ukryta treść
AKRON, Ohio. The Akron Police Department released Body Camera (3) 911 call pictures and details about an Officer Involved in a fatal shooting that occurred on December 23- 2021 at approximatively 3:45 am at 26th Street SW.

A woman called to report that her estranged husband identified as 58-year-old James W. Gross 58 years old broke into her home.

This happened after seven previous incidents, a restraining order had been filed against Gross the day before in court, the woman says. Police officer arrived Less than five minutes into the call.

As police assess the situation, officer outside heard the wife screams.

"He broke my door open," she yells in the 911 call.

Police decide against sending in a K9 decide to enter the home knowing that the woman report that the man is was armed with a baseball bat and knife.
Officer went upstair broke the bedroom door and saw the ex-husband holding a knife to the throat of the woman, an officer tasers Gross making him falls but continues to hold the woman at knifepoint. That’s when a second officer shot Gross, police said, hitting him twice.
Wichu 2021-12-31, 7:20
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