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...dziewczynkę w Los Angeles. Spanikowani rodzice raczej nie daliby rady szybko ogarnąć sytuacji a mała po prostu się zadławiła. Źródło.

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A Los Angeles police sergeant rescued an unconscious toddler after her parents flagged down a patrol car in the Echo Park neighborhood on January 19.

Body camera footage released by the LAPD shows a man in distress handing the young girl to the sergeant, saying “Please, I don’t know what’s wrong.”

The footage shows the sergeant radioing to say she is “not conscious, not breathing,” before slapping her back several times to clear the airway. The young girl is then heard crying, and the sergeant says “something came out.”

The girl was brought to Children’s Hospital Los Angeles where she was in stable condition, police said.
Najlepszy komentarz (23 piw)
~Beny • 2022-01-25, 12:24
Co tym razem? Winogrono, popcorn, cukierek? A może orzeszek ziemny?

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