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The Pasco Police Department released a Critical Incident Community Briefing video that includes information related to an officer-involved shooting (OIS) on March 13, 2022, in the area of 6th Ave and W Lewis St. The incident began at 11:40 a.m. when a 911 caller reported two males fighting in the street. Pasco officers arrived on the scene and found a male lying on the ground with apparent stab wounds. An officer rendered medical aid to the injured male. This male died of his injuries at the scene. Officer Jones and Officer McClintock contacted the suspect who was armed with the knife. The suspect charged at the officers. Officers shot at the suspect, striking him with gunfire, stopping his aggression. Officers immediately rendered medical aid. The suspect who was shot was transported to a regional hospital by ambulance, where he later died of his injuries. The suspect was later identified as Gabriel Artz.