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ukryta treść
Merced County, California — On March 11, 2023, a Merced County Sheriff’s deputy detained Louis Jackson following a crash in which he was suspected of driving under the influence, according to the Merced County District Attorney’s Office. Former Sergeant, 42-year-old Dustin Witt responded to the scene to assist and during the encounter, Witt kicked Jackson in the head several times, according to the distinct attorney’s office. By June, Witt resigned after the Sheriff's Office launched an internal affairs investigation. Witt has been charged with assault by a public officer, assault likely to cause great bodily injury and an enhancement for inflicting great bodily injury.

Witt was still serving as a deputy despite a 2019 demotion and misdemeanor conviction following a drunken brawl during which he and another deputy, who was also a Merced City Council member, beat up another peace officer and a bystander. The bar brawl on Dec. 15, 2018, followed a Sheriff’s Office Christmas party where Witt admitted to “heavy drinking,” according to the Merced Sun-Star.
Ale się kurwa narobiło...
Halman • 2023-03-12, 12:46

bóg pokarał madziarów za kolaborację..
Najlepszy komentarz (63 piw)
RYHOO • 2023-03-12, 13:00
Siriuz napisał/a:

Ale ameba pisała opis.... aaa to Halman

czego oczekiwałeś?