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Z nożem kuchennym chciał pokonać policjantów. Źródło i link do całości.

ukryta treść
Los Angeles, California — On September 13, 2023, around 8:35 p.m., Olympic Division uniformed patrol officers responded to a radio call of a “415 Man with a Knife” on the 1200 block of South New Hampshire Avenue. Upon arrival, officers searched the area and located the suspect walking through a parking lot. As officers were setting up containment around the parking lot, they verbalized with the suspect who was armed with a large kitchen knife. After several minutes of commands, the suspect, while still armed with the knife in his right hand, ran toward officers positioned at the exit of the parking lot.

Despite additional warnings to drop the knife, the suspect refused to comply and continued running towards the officers, resulting in an OIS. The suspect was struck by gunfire, fell to the pavement, and was taken into custody without further incident. The officers requested a rescue ambulance and rendered aid to the suspect. Los Angeles Fire Department paramedics transported the suspect to a local hospital where he was pronounced deceased. The suspect was later identified as 35-year-old Carlos De Anda. A large kitchen knife with an approximate 8 inch blade was recovered from the scene and booked as evidence. No officers nor other citizens were injured during this incident.