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Wypadek czechy
chorym • 2021-01-18, 2:44

co tu dużo mówić
Najlepszy komentarz (109 piw)
Z................w • 2021-01-18, 4:51
co za popierdolony osioł
Premier Japonii i jego uprzywilejowany konwój....
A może by tak u nas...?

Najlepszy komentarz (37 piw)
Arathnmor • 2020-12-31, 8:34
U nas uprzywilejowana wielka i wspaniała Żandarmeria Wojskowa wpierdala się bez większych ceregieli na środek skrzyżowania by zrobić miejsce dla konwoju który jest dwie minuty dalej.
zakończona 50% sukcesem. They Dindu Nuffin.

Po obecności policyjnego śmigłowca, oceniam że mieli 3 gwiazdki:

ukryta treść
Three stars
A three-star wanted level in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City.

At a three-star wanted level, pursuing police vehicles become more aggressive, driving at maximum speed, and the police will also begin to set up armed roadblocks on main roads. A police helicopter is also called in to assist and its crew follows the player, putting a spotlight on the protagonist (at night), and shoots at the player via an invisible machine gun on the fuselage if they get a clear shot and yell various humorous remarks over a loudspeaker. Additionally, in GTA Vice City, the police helicopter may occasionally deploy a SWAT unit onto the ground to attack the player. From GTA Vice City onwards, police officers begin to deploy spike strips to puncture the player's tires, making driving difficult. In GTA San Andreas, from this wanted level on, officers who come out of either a Police Car or Ranger will also ocassionally wield shotguns. Additionally, in GTA Vice City and GTA Vice City Stories, undercover Vice Squad detectives armed with Uzis and driving Cheetahs also give chase.

For the case of Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, any potential date involving a girlfriend except Denise Robinson at this wanted level will be rendered null and void, instead resulting in the date being cancelled and progress being decreased, with the message "That's it, you bored her legs shut!".

Three wanted stars are attained by:

Continuing to retaliate against law enforcement (evading capture or death by any means)
Continuing to cause collateral damage (killing civilians and destroying vehicles)
Entering police impound garages in GTA San Andreas
Blowing up an AI controlled full-winged Dodo (the DeadDodo) in GTA III and GTA Vice City
Trucking hot goods in San Andreas
Breaking out Cam Jones in the mission No Escape? in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City. (iOS and Android versions only)
Dindu nuffin
MisDetonator • 2020-12-25, 22:02
W maju tegoż roku Brendan McGahan (36) policjant z 8 letnim stażem zatrzymał rodowitego amerykanina imieniem Qavon Webb (23).
ukryta treść

Pan Kolor Skóry Przypadkowy wyciągnął klamę i wywalił pół magazynka w policjanta trafiając 6 razy. Trafiony zrewanżował się 13 strzałami i po raz kolejny udowodnił wyższość białych w celowaniu, dzielny Dindu poległ bowiem na miejscu, zaś policjant założył sobie stazę i wezwał pomoc. A wszyscy żyli długo i szczęśliwie. Tzn. ludzie, bo małpka jak wspomniałem zeszła na miejscu na zatrucie ołowiem.

ukryta treść

Chaotic Moment An Officer Wrestles With Suspect, Gets Shot 6 Times Before Shooting Suspect Dead

The Webster Groves Police Department has released video of one of its officers being shot six times, struggling with the suspect, then returning fire and killing the man.

The incident happened on May 5, around 8:20 p.m. on Interstate-44 near Elm Avenue. The suspect, 23-year-old Qavon Webb, was being pulled over by Officer Brendan McGahan, 36.

As McGahan approached the vehicle, Webb shot the officer from just a few feet away, then ran to him and fired more shots. McGahan fired 13 shots after falling backward onto the ground.

Police tell the St. Louis Post-Dispatch it's a "miracle" McGahan escaped with his life. And now the video could save future officer's lives as it will be used for training purposes.

"They will understand the possibilities for danger even on routine calls, which is what this was supposed to be," Chief Dale Curtis says.

A shootout along the side of an interstate in suburban St. Louis has left a police officer injured and the suspect in his shooting dead, authorities investigating the incident said.

The shooting happened around 8:30 p.m. Tuesday when a Webster Groves police officer stopped to help what he thought was a stranded motorist along Interstate 44, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported.

As soon as the officer got out of his patrol car, a man who had been in a car parked along the interstate opened fire on the officer, Missouri State Highway Patrol spokesman Dallas Thompson said . The officer returned fire, and both the officer and suspect were shot several times.

The injured officer used a tourniquet on himself to stop the bleeding and called for help, St. Louis County Police spokesman Benjamin Granda said. Another officer who arrived to help took the officer to a hospital. The officer was released from the hospital Wednesday.

The suspect died at the scene. Granda identified him Wednesday as 23-year-old Qavon Webb, of St. Louis.

The officer’s name has not been released but Granda said he is 36 and has been on the job nearly eight years.