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In the video, which is creating quite a buzz online, with people calling the woman ‘Revolver Rani’, the man seems to be casually talking to someone outside his house when a group of four men – two of their faces covered with handkerchiefs – appear out of nowhere and start beating the man up. One even gets a rod to add to the violence.
In the Kakori police station area of Lucknow, a group of miscreants on Sunday beat up ruthlessly a local resident named Abid Ali outside his residence. He was dragged out of his home and attacked with axe, hammers and sticks.
Upon hearing the ruckus, a woman – apparently appears to the rescue of the victim was not police, but his wife who is an advocate. To save her husband, she opened fire using her licenced revolver.
Scared, the men run away, leaving the man injured and with his clothes in tatters. Going by the time stamp on the CCTV footage, the incident took place on February 4, at 11.20 AM
The police has begun an investigation on the attack. In the meanwhile, people on social media have been praising the wife, while some brought up the debate of gun rights. Though, the reason for the attack is unknown.
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