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Zaraz po tym jak dowiedział się, że będzie aresztowany. Źródło i link do całości.

ukryta treść
Brooklyn, New York — On Wednesday, December 21, 2022, at approximately 8:39 a.m., Police Officer Orlando Adorno along with other officers, assigned to patrol in the 79th Precinct and attired in uniform, responded to a 911 call for a dispute in the vicinity of Gates Avenue and Franklin Avenue, Brooklyn. Upon arrival, the officers were met on the sidewalk by the caller and 41-year-old Raheen Joye. After interviewing the 9-1-1 caller and Joye, and observing evidence at the scene, Police Officer Adorno and the other officers informed Joye that he was being placed under arrest. As the officers attempted to take Joye into custody, he began to resist them and attempted to flee. Ballistic evidence recovered from this scene revealed that Joye discharged at least one shot from his firearm.

During the struggle with the officers, Joye retrieved a firearm from his person and discharged it, striking Police Officer Adorno in the right foot. He then fled the location on foot. In response to calls for assistance, Police Officer Bowie and Police Officer Bido, along with other officers, responded to the location and were informed of Joye's direction of flight. The officers travelled in that direction in their vehicles and observed Joye running eastbound on the south sidewalk of Monroe Street. Joye was struck by the gunfire and fell to the ground. He was taken into custody without further incident. In response, Police Officer Bowie discharged five shots from his service firearm, and Police Officer Bido discharged one shot from his service firearm. Police Officer Bowie and Police Officer Bido then pursued Joye on foot.

During the pursuit, Joye again produced the firearm, brandished it in his right hand, and discharged it at the pursing officers. Ballistic evidence recovered from this scene revealed that Joye discharged at least two shots from his firearm. For his actions, Joye was subsequently arrested and charged with Attempted Murder of a Police Officer (five counts), Attempted Aggravated Assault on a Police Officer (five counts), Criminal Possession of a Loaded Firearm, and related charges. Police Officer Adorno was taken via NYPD vehicle to Kings County Hospital Center, where he was treated for a gunshot wound to his right foot. Joye was taken by ambulance to NewYork-Presbyterian Brooklyn Methodist Hospital, where he was treated for his injuries and later discharged.
15-letni chłopiec został śmiertelnie postrzelony w plecy na Brooklynie w poniedziałek po południu, jak podała policja, co jest ostatnim z niepokojących wzrostów liczby strzelanin z udziałem młodych ludzi w Nowym Jorku, mimo że ogólnie liczba strzelanin spadła. Chłopiec, Faridun Mavlonov, został zastrzelony na 20th Avenue, około mili od swojego domu w Bensonhurst. Policja odpowiedziała na telefon pod numer 911 w poniedziałek o godzinie 13:00 i znalazła nastolatka, który został zabrany do Centrum Medycznego Maimonides w stanie krytycznym. We wtorek stwierdzono zgon - poinformowała policja. Śledczy szukają 17-letniego chłopca, który strzelił siedem razy do grupy nastolatków kilka przecznic od szkoły średniej im. biuro. Faridun nie był zamierzonym celem strzelca, powiedział szef Essig

Tolerancyjna ameryczka
Jesse.Pinkman • 2022-02-02, 15:00
66-letni dziadek został zaatakowany w swoim sklepie na Brooklynie a według źródła miesiąc wcześniej kurwy wybiły mu szyby. Źródło.

ukryta treść
The elderly Korean American man who was attacked inside his own store is speaking out.

A customer who refused to pay attacked Ki Tae Lee, 66, on Saturday inside his store in Brooklyn, ABC 7 New York reports. CeFaan Kim, a reporter for ABC 7 New York, posted video footage of the attack on Twitter.

In the video, the customer throws items off the store counter. Lee confronts the customer who begins punching Lee.

“He was saying some sort of curse words and derogatory things, but I can’t say exactly what they were,” Lee told ABC 7 New York.

It is not clear yet if this incident is a hate crime. Hate crimes against Asians have increased by 361 percent in New York City this past year, NBC News reports.

Lee says this isn’t the first time the store has been attacked. Last month, someone broke the store’s glass window and told the owners to go back to their country.
Według źródła ofiara to 79-letni mężczyzna a policja już opublikowała wizerunek bydlaka. Źródło.

Oryginalny opis:
ukryta treść
Police are seeking a man caught on video punching a 79-year-old man in the head on a Brooklyn sidewalk Friday.

Officials released surveillance video early Saturday of the moments an unidentified suspect stepped off his motorized scooter and approached the victim on 4th Avenue in Gowanus.

The video shows the suspect walk up behind the victim and take a large swing, connecting with the 79-year-old's head and knocking him to the ground.

The suspect immediately runs back to his parked scooter and speeds away.
Według opisu pobita 65-letnia kobieta zdołała ochronić torebkę z pieniędzmi i napastnik odjechał z pustymi rękoma.

Oryginalny opis:
ukryta treść
The NYPD on Wednesday released frightening video of a 65-year-old woman being chased down and attacked on a Brooklyn street in an attempted purse snatching.

Police said it happened back on Sept. 28, around 4:40 p.m. as the woman was walking near the intersection of Saint Edwards and Willoughby streets, right by Fort Greene Park.

Surveillance video shows an unidentified suspect ride up on a bicycle, dismount and immediately begin to run after the woman, chasing her down the block and into the middle of the street.

He grabbed her purse, but when she resisted, he punched her in the face multiple times before dragging her to the ground and punching her again, the footage shows.

Police said the victim was able to retain her purse, which contained money from collecting and cashing in aluminum cans.

The would-be thief fled the area on his bike empty handed, according to authorities.

The woman suffered pain and swelling to the face, back pain and abrasions to her body, officials said.

EMS transported the woman to an area hospital for treatment.

The NYPD released the disturbing video in hopes the public could help identify the suspect No arrests had been made, as of Wednesday, Oct. 6
Murzyński raj...
Halman • 2021-08-07, 8:00

opis poszukiwanej; czarna małpa z blond peruką i wielkim zadem...

Wystarczył jeden strzał
phrontch • 2021-04-22, 18:57
Zabójstwa to nie tylko Brazylia

Najlepszy komentarz (25 piw)
żmij • 2021-04-22, 19:10
phrontch napisał/a:

Zabójstwa to nie tylko Brazylia

Nieważne gdzie, ważne kto.
Kolor ten sam, nieważne New York czy Sao Paulo.
Dindu na zakupach
Macx83wwww • 2021-03-18, 2:03
Market Walgreens, nowojorski Brooklyn

Najlepszy komentarz (27 piw)
CzerstWybut • 2021-03-18, 7:48
Miód na oczy, jeszcze powinni im więcej zasilków dawać, wprowadzic calkowity zakaz posiadania broni a zwykłych obywateli pracujących opodatkować w opór. Niech kurwa poczują tą swoją neokomune którą tak wszędzie cisną, już niebawem zamiana bidena na kamalę, wtedy to się rozpędzi ten burdel