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Ofiara to 73-letni mężczyzna. Źródło.

ukryta treść
A 73-year-old man was shoved to the sidewalk and repeatedly kicked while he was down during a caught-on-camera attempted robbery in Midtown Manhattan on Sunday morning, NYPD said.

The elderly victim was first targeted by a male suspect while buying lottery tickets inside of a convenience store on Eighth Avenue near 40th Street around 10:50 a.m., police said.

The still-at-large brute, who sources said is known to police, approached the victim and tried to grab his wallet, cops said. But the elderly man managed to hold onto his property.

The victim then left the store — but was followed by the suspect who forcefully shoved the man to the sidewalk after he crossed the street, police said.

Surveillance footage released by the NYPD shows the moment the victim, wearing a white hat and blue jacket, plunged to the ground.

At least three horrified bystanders who were standing nearby on the sidewalk backed away during the vicious assault, video shows.

The suspect, in a striped gray and white Nautica sweatshirt and black pants, then towers over the man and kicks him multiple times as he tries to take the victim’s wallet, the clip shows.

The suspect relents and walks away empty-handed after another man approaches the scene, video shows. Police said the suspect fled into the subway entrance on the same corner.

Surveillance video from inside the station shows the suspect hopping the turnstile.

Police said the victim was taken by EMS to Bellevue Hospital. He suffered pain, swelling and an abrasion around his left eye.

Sources told The Post that the suspect is also wanted for a Feb. 14 arson at a Manhattan subway station. He also has 31 prior arrests, the sources added.
Najlepszy komentarz (23 piw)
Lukalu • 2022-03-31, 10:17
OMZRiK napisał/a:

Smolucha ? chyba chciałeś powiedzieć człowieka o odmiennym kolorze skóry ewentualnie afroamerykanina ! przecież to człowiek.

Jebanego czarnucha nie człowieka

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Witaj użytkowniku sadistic.pl,

Od czasu naszej pierwszej zrzutki minęło już ponad 7 miesięcy i środki, które na niej pozyskaliśmy wykorzystaliśmy na wymianę i utrzymanie serwerów. Niestety sytaucja związana z niewystarczającą ilością reklam do pokrycia kosztów działania serwisu nie uległa poprawie i w tej chwili możemy się utrzymać przy życiu wyłącznie z wpłat użytkowników.

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...więc trzeba było pomóc.
Najlepszy komentarz (25 piw)
Juzwa • 2022-03-28, 19:37
I te łańcuchy na szyi. To chyba atawizm z czasów, jak przodkowie mieli żelazne obroże i połączeni byli po kilku.
Według źródła 28-letni napastnik zaatakował w Walmarcie ale został obezwładniony a potem aresztowany. Źródło.

ukryta treść
28-year-old man has been arrested in Miami after the alleged sexual assault of a woman in a Walmart along Northwest 79th Street.

According to the arrest form, Bredan Harvey approached the woman from behind while she was shopping in the store and pulled up her dress to touch her back.

Police say that when she turned around to confront her aggressor, he pushed her to the ground, ripping off her clothes and trying to touch her below the waist.

The alleged assault occurred in the aisles of Walmart and was witnessed by at least two people who say they intervened to remove Harvey from the victim.
Najlepszy komentarz (20 piw)
PanKukuruźnik82 • 2022-03-23, 15:13
Swooniak napisał/a:

Jak bardzo sp***olonym umysłowo trzeba być, żeby próbować popełnić przestępstwo seksualne w sklepie pełnym świadków? XD

Jak jesteś człekokształtny i masz IQ poniżej 70 punktów, to przestaje być taką zagadką.
Gliniarz nie powinien go na początku grzecznie pytać czy ma broń tylko z góry zakładać, że coś kombinuje. Źródło i link do całości.

ukryta treść
The Oklahoma City Police Department released body-camera footage that shows the moment Crasteven Kennon Wilson, 23, shot Officer Bryce Sheehan in the leg as he tried to search the suspect for weapons in southeast Oklahoma City. Around 5:50 p.m. March 2, Officer Bryce Sheehan responded to a report of a disturbance or suspicious person in the 2300 block of South Kate Avenue. Police said Officer Sheehan found the suspect near Southeast 21st Street and Emco Drive. “You got any weapons?” Officer Sheehan asked Wilson while responding to a call about a suspicious person.

“Can I pat you down real quick? Make sure you don’t have any weapons? Here, don’t reach for nothing.” Wilson mumbled “yeah,” but instead quickly turned around and shot Officer Sheehan, striking the officer in the right leg before running to his patrol car and trying to drive off. “Shots fired, shots fired!” Officer Sheehan yelled. “I’m hit!”. The Oklahoma City Police Department used a drone to find Wilson, who was hiding outside a nearby home. Authorities say officers took him into custody and provided first aid after seeing he had been shot. Wilson was taken to a hospital and later died. Officer Sheehan was treated and released from OU Medical Center. He was placed on routine administrative leave.
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