Zrzutka na serwery i rozwój serwisu
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Oryginalny opis:
On the afternoon of Friday, August 18, 2017, several people were knifed in a stabbing rampage at the Central Market Square, and at the Puutori-Market Square area in downtown Turku, Finland
The incident just happened so the backinfo is still coming together, but from what I’ve heard so far, five people were stabbed, one apparently died.
It is also not immediately clear how many attackers were involved. I’ve heard conflicting reports – some saying as many as three attackers were involved, while others claiming it was a lone wolf stabbing. Said one attacker was reportedly shot in the leg and taken into custody by police. Also unconfirmed report says the attacker reportedly shouted Allahu Akbar (no shit, Schlomo) as he launched the stabbing spree, but these days, even if the attacker didn’t tuck his sidelocks in to hide them, and wore yarmulke like he otherwise does, people would still hear him shout Allahu Akbar.
Na podstawie kciuka przeciwstawnego.
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