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Czy oni są biali? BRAĆ ICH!
~Velture • 2024-03-09, 10:47
Bycie białym tam musi być przepierdolone jednak

Najlepszy komentarz (43 piw)
Halman • 2024-03-09, 10:51
obiektyw wysmarowany gównem ze nic nie widać?
Dindu nuffinka
Macx83wwww • 2023-06-16, 1:50
Wypadek w San Diego, 10 czerwca.

Policji brakowało tylko...

ukryta treść

Dwóch dindu i bankomat
Jesse.Pinkman • 2021-11-12, 19:38
Według opisu czarnuchy ukradły kasę z bankomatu w sklepie w Houston i uciekły a wcześniej groziły sprzedawcy.

Oryginalny opis:
ukryta treść
On Saturday, October 23, 2021 at 2:50 am, two unknown males walked into a convenience store, located at the 12000 block of Hempstead, in Houston, Texas. The males walked over to the ATM machine and immediately began to pry it open with a crow bar and sledgehammer. During the incident, one of the suspects threatened to hurt the clerk if he intervened. Once the suspects had the money from the ATM, they fled the location in an unknown direction.
...więc musiał przejść terapię ołowiem i według opisu już wącha kwiatki od spodu.

Oryginalny opis:
ukryta treść
Louisville, Kentucky — On Tuesday, October 26, 2021. At approximately 12:35 a.m, 0fficers from Louisville Metro Police Department's 5th division, responded to a domestic violence complaint, on the 2500 block of River Bend Drive, where a firearm was reported to be inside of a residence. While investigating the complaint, officers spoke to 37-year-old Ivan Foster who was being asked to leave the residence by the homeowner. Officers followed him into a bedroom to gather his personal items, at which time Foster became increasingly agitated. Officers began giving repeated verbal commands to Foster, to stop reaching into a stack of clothes and to sit on the bed. Based on the body cam footage captured by officer Timothy Lanham, Foster proceeded to retrieve a firearm, that had been concealed in a pile of clothes, on top of a dresser and fired a weapon striking the police radio Seabolt was wearing on his hip. Officer Seabolt immediately attempted to gain control of the firearm from Foster, at which time Foster began making verbal threats that he was going to kill officer Seabolt. Officer Lanham fired several rounds from his firearm and fatally struck the subject. A second body cam video obtained from LMPD of officer Seabolt, shows officer Seabolt attempting to gain control of the firearm ending up on his back in the bed. EMS responded to the residence and pronounced Foster deceased at the scene.
Najlepszy komentarz (25 piw)
RYHOO • 2021-11-08, 20:24
Chuja widać ale ważne, że odjebany
Rudy wyjaśnił dindu...
Jesse.Pinkman • 2021-11-05, 13:47
...i generalnie to rudy wyjaśnił wszystkich
Najlepszy komentarz (56 piw)
Driver19cm • 2021-11-05, 14:06
Mówcie co chcecie, ale Rudy dobry czort ! Wojownik pierwsza klasa
...za zwrócenie uwagi odnośnie śmiecenia a potem swoje dokłada kierowca czarnego samochodu.
Najlepszy komentarz (51 piw)
trytodie • 2021-10-30, 14:49
Jaki śmieć...jeszcze go drugi debil rozjechał.