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Paragliding accident that happened after take off in Indonesia-at a new found flying site. The wind was pretty weak at the take off, and as she approached to the edge the direction changed a little more from the left side, thus loosing the lift on the main slope. The pilot did not react very well, though she managed to slow down the wig at the last moment and luckily she was not harmed at all and neither need not to seek a doctor. A paraglider crash-landed on rocks in Indonesia after not gaining enough lift to properly take off.
The woman managed to slow down just before crashing and was unharmed.
The filmer writes: ''The wind was pretty weak at take off, and as she approached to the edge the direction changed a little more from the left side, thus loosing the lift on the main slope.
''The pilot did not react very well, though she managed to slow down the wig at the last moment and luckily she was not harmed at all.''
The crash took place in early October 2016 in Java.
Co zrobić, kiedy ktoś wjedzie w nasze auto, a następnie próbuje uciec? Na pewno zadzwonić na policję, ale niektórzy próbują również ścigać takich delikwentów. Tak jak autor powyższego nagrania, któremu jakaś kobieta wjechała w bagażnik. Niestety, okazała się ona lepszym kierowcą od niego, ponieważ podczas pościgu niemal nie dachował. Udało mu się potem znów ją dogonić, ale nie wiemy
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