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Stworzonka rodem z Hollywood
Mc6 • 2012-12-20, 10:29

Za małe literki? Kopiuj > wklej do notatnika (jeśli komuś brak piątej klepki)
00:00 Little shop of horrors
00:14 The Thing / 00:16 Jurassic Park/ Poltergeist/ King Kong (1933)/ The return of the Jedi/ Aliens / 00:17 Alien / 00:19 Jaws / 00:20 King Kong (1933) /
00:22 Ghostbusters / 00:24 Godzilla, King of the Monsters (1956) / 00:26 The Fellowship of the Ring / 00:27 Anaconda / 00:28 An American werewolf in London /
00:29 Clash of the Titans / 00:31 Beowulf / 00:32 Ghostbusters / 00:34 Dragonslayer / 00:36 Predator / 00:38 Alien (Scott) / 00:40 Dune / 00:42 Gremlins /
00:44 The Fellowship of the Ring / 00:46 Pan's Labyrinth / 00:47 Clash of the Titans / 00:49 Aliens (Cameron) / 00:51 Beetlejuice / 00:53 King Kong (1933) /
00:55 Jurassic Park / 00:56 Godzilla, King of the Monsters (1956) / 00:59 Jurassic Park / 00:59-01:00 Critters / 01:01 Dragonslayer / 01:03 Willow / 01:05 Them! /
01:07 Starship Troopers / 01:08 Men in Black / 01:09 Arachnophobia / 01:10 Jaws / 01:11 Tremors / 01:12 The Empire strikes back / 01:13 Beowulf /
01:14 Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets / 01:15 The Return of the Jedi / 01:16 Dragonslayer / 01:18 Gremlins / 01:20 The Host / 01:21 Ghostbusters /
01:22 Bram Stoker's Dracula / 01:23 Gremlins 2 / 01:24 King Kong (2005) / 01:25 Tremors / 01:26 Aliens (Cameron) / 01:27 The Empire strikes back /
01:27 Clash of the Titans / 01:28 Hellboy / 01:29 Lake Placid / 01:30 The Fellowship of the Ring / 01:31 An American werewolf in London / 01:32 Alien (Scott) /
01:33 From Dusk till Dawn / 01:34 Krull / 01:35 Jason and the Argonauts / 01:36 Little Shop of Horrors / 01:37 The Army of Darkness / 01:38 The Fellowship of the Ring /
01:39 Time Machine / 01:40 The Attack of the Clones / 01:41 Howard the Duck / 01:43 End of days / 01:44 Aliens (Cameron) / 01:45 The Attack of the Clones /
01:46 Jurassic Park / 01:47 Clash of the Titans / 01:48 The Relic / 01:49 Pitch Black / 01:49 Resident Evil / 01:50 The Princess Bride / 01:51 Beetlejuice / 01:52 Jurassic Park /
01:53 Ghostbusters / 01:54 Evolution / 01:54 Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets / 01:55 Gremlins 2 / 01:56 Ewok adventure / 01:57 Ghostbusters / 01:57 Anaconda /
01:58 Creature from the Black Lagoon / 01:58 Starship Troopers / 01:59 The Return of the King / 02:00 The Fellowship of the Ring / 02:01 The Blob (1988) /
02:02 King Kong (2005) / 02:03 Deep rising / 02:04 Mimic / 02:05 Little Shop of Horrors / 02:06 Mars Attacks! / 02:07 King Kong (2005) / 02:08 Cloverfield /
02:09 20000 leagues under the sea (1954) / 02:10 Aliens (Cameron) / 02:11 Beetlejuice / 02:11 Anaconda / 02:12 Bram Stoker's Dracula / 02:12 Doom /
02:13 Independence Day / 02:14 Jeepers Creepers 2 / 02:14 Lake Placid / 02:15 Clash of the Titans / 02:15 An American werewolf in London / 02:16 Cat people /
02:17 Evil Dead 2 / 02:17 The Thing / 02:18 The Fly (1986) / 02:19 The Blob (1988) / 02:20 The Thing / 02:21 Legend / 02:22 Twilight Zone: The Movie /
02:23 Aliens (Cameron) / 02:24 Twilight Zone: The Movie / 02:24 Evil Dead II / 02:25 The Descent / 02:26 Poltergeist / 02:27 Aliens (Cameron) /
02:28 Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest / 02:29 Beowulf / 02:29 Jaws / 02:30 The Return of the King / 02:31 Deep Rising / 02:32 The Faculty / 02:32 The Host /
02:33 Anaconda / 02:36 Evolution / 02:38 Cloverfield / 02:40 Godzilla / 02:41 The Two Towers / 02:42 Cloverfield / 02:43 Beowulf / 02:45 King Kong (1933) /
02:46 Howard the Duck / 02:48 The Host / 02:49 Jaws / 02:51 The Return of the Jedi / 02:53 Jurassic Park / 02:55 Men in Black / 02:56 Willow / 02:58 King Kong (2005) /
03:00 Deep Rising / 03:01 Anaconda / 03:02 Little Shop of Horros / 03:05 Cloverfield
lapsikoss • 2012-07-17, 20:40
Rozmawiają dwie Grycanki:
- Wiesz, tak w sumie to ja bym chciała schudnąć.
- To proste, musisz po prostu więcej patrzeć na to co jesz.
- Próbowałam, ale nie zawsze zdążę spojrzeć.
Pobiła je wszystkie
Krupnykowsky • 2012-06-09, 11:36
Przeglądając z rana Onet, wpadłem na coś takiego

Kobiety sadola są wszędzie
Najlepszy komentarz (35 piw)
B................o • 2012-06-09, 12:12
To jest kurwa skandal, że telewizja i swiat szołbiznesu lecąc na hajs promuje takie dziwolągi, wmawiając wszystkim, że są piękne mądre, urocze, niepowtarzalne i są wzorcami do naśladowania.