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...w Nowym Jorku po tym jak w mieszkaniu obok doszło do eksplozji. Źródło.

Oryginalny opis:
ukryta treść
NYPD officers raced to rescue an injured Bronx woman who was trapped under a couch when the house next door exploded in flames and partially collapsed Tuesday morning, body camera video released by the department showed.

The officer wearing the camera ran towards the Fox Street inferno before rushing into the home adjacent to the raging structure fire, which killed a 77-year-old woman, and might have been sparked by a gas leak, officials said.

“Somebody’s in there,” a woman on the street could be heard frantically alerting the cops, according to the footage of the 11 a.m. Longwood scene.

“Under the couch! Under the couch! Right there, she’s under the couch!” a bystander yelled as he directed police into a living room on the first floor of the three story building that had been dilapidated by the blast.

“10-6 we’re inside,” an officer radioed to the dispatcher as three cops turned over the large piece of furniture that had pinned the woman in the corner of the room.

As she moaned in agony, the officers lifted up the woman and brought her outside to safety.

“One, two, let’s go. Get her over the couch!,” an officer instructed.

The NYPD blurred the face of the injured woman in the bodycam footage, which lasted 77 seconds. She is 68 years old, and was in serious condition, according to officials.

An 82-year-old sister of the unidentified woman that was killed in the blast was in critical condition, the NYPD said. The two women were in the home when it exploded and were found laying on the ground outside by first responders. Five cops were treated for smoke inhalation and were in stable condition, according to authorities.

“When @NYPD41pct officers arrived at the massive explosion at a Bronx home, they saw flames spreading to the adjoining home rocked by the explosion,” a Tuesday evening tweet by NYPD News read. “Knowing there was a person inside, they ran in. They found a woman trapped in the debris. Our prayers are with those affected.”

In a somber news conference at the scene, Mayor Eric Adams praised the NYPD rescue effort.

“We saved lives today. Our actions saved lives,” Adams said. “When you see the [cops’] body-cam video, you’re going to see the quick response of the officers going into the building next door from the explosion, not realizing if there would be an additional explosion, but they went inside and carried out a woman who was trapped inside.

“There’s so much we need to find out about this incident. It’s an ongoing investigation to determine what happened,” he said.
...po tym jak odmówiła oddania swoich rzeczy rabusiom.

Oryginalny opis:
ukryta treść
A young woman who was walking along a sidewalk in the Los Álamos citadel, in the north of Guayaquil, was beaten by two men who approached her to rob her.

The incident was recorded by a sector camera. In the images it is seen that two men approach a woman who is walking on the sidewalk and struggle with her.

As the young woman refuses to hand over her belongings, the subjects push her, corner her against the wall of a house and one of them begins to hit her on the head.

The woman only manages to try to dodge the blows and protect her face with her hands. The men flee after beating the young woman.

Another similar robbery was reported in the Guayaquil suburb. There, subjects on motorcycles snatched their belongings from a woman who was walking down the street. The event was also recorded on video.

In the recording it is observed that an individual approaches a woman and steals her belongings. Behind him a subject appears on a motorcycle to pick up the thief. Seconds later, three other motorcycles appear to guard them.
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  Przyjmuję do wiadomości, że wszystkie materiały audiowizualne wgrane na serwery na tej stronie przeznaczone są dla osób pełnoletnich i wyrażam zgodę na nie oznaczanie poszczególnych materiałów symbolem dozwolone od lat 18 na odtwarzaczu filmów