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Pomysł na biznes
CrazyEdek • 2022-03-17, 14:00
Dzień dobry, może batonika.

Najlepszy komentarz (33 piw)
Dymson30 • 2022-03-17, 15:54
Zawsze sobie zadaje jedno i to samo pytanie po chuj to czarne ścierwo żyje
Dostarczanie paczek w Manaus
phrontch • 2022-03-16, 21:16
Akcja we wschodnim Manaus, (0:40) w rejonie gorszym niż gdziekolwiek na Ukrainie podczas działań wojennych

...w hotelu a wszystko według źródła dla niecałych 200 dolarów bo tyle ukradł. Gówno do utylizacji. Źródło.

ukryta treść
ORLANDO, Fla. - Orlando police have arrested a man they say stabbed an older female hotel worker multiple times earlier this month.

Cordarryl Glenn Demby, 35, is facing several charges including attempted felony murder stemming from the March 2 incident at the Best Western Inn Orlando on West Colonial Drive.

On Thursday, detectives provided details about the crime. They say Demby was at the hotel for around 20 minutes before attacking the woman, which was caught on camera.

Demby was reportedly released from the Orange County Jail on March 1. He was supposed to pick up his property which was close to the hotel.

Demby reportedly walked in and out of the hotel and asked the clerk to show him a room. In security video, the victim is seen behind the counter and Demby is walking around on the other side. He suddenly jumps over the counter and hits and stabs the woman. When she tries to get up, he hits her again. Demby then reportedly steals money and leaves, which was less than $200.

Authorities say Demby has a lengthy criminal history.

The victim is healing is now out of the hospital.