...a inny wleciał w barierki - niezły pierdolnik w tym Leicester mają ochroniarze pod klubami nocnymi.
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Wczorajszy wpierdol Legii i kibolskie bydło.
Najlepszy komentarz (65 piw)
• 2021-11-26, 15:18
Do zobaczenia w pierwszej lidze.
Naszemu rodakowi ktoś zarysował auto.
The blue SUV had just turned into a quiet street when it was presented with an oncoming car and another parked on the left.
However, rather than wait, the driver smashed through the gap in the road in Leicester, United Kingdom on December 18.
CCTV footage shows how the car scraped both vehicles causing damage along their sides. The driver then allegedly drove away without stopping.
The owner of the house where the CCTV was installed, Slawomir Olga, said they heard a loud bang outside the road but when they came out they only saw the damaged cars.
He said: ‘We have already submitted this footage to the police and we hope they can help us find the reckless drivers
The blue SUV had just turned into a quiet street when it was presented with an oncoming car and another parked on the left.
However, rather than wait, the driver smashed through the gap in the road in Leicester, United Kingdom on December 18.
CCTV footage shows how the car scraped both vehicles causing damage along their sides. The driver then allegedly drove away without stopping.
The owner of the house where the CCTV was installed, Slawomir Olga, said they heard a loud bang outside the road but when they came out they only saw the damaged cars.
He said: ‘We have already submitted this footage to the police and we hope they can help us find the reckless drivers
Kapitalna akcja z meczu Watford - Leicester.
Najlepszy komentarz (70 piw)
• 2013-05-13, 13:13
2 liga angielska a klepnęli by tą ti mobaj ekstrapierdziasę z zamkniętymi oczami
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