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Według źródła 66-letni mężczyzna został poważnie ranny i trafił do szpitala.

Oryginalny opis:
ukryta treść
A negligent situation with grave consequences occurred on December 28, at about 8 pm, at the Ishim station. Passenger train No. 255 "Krasnoyarsk - Moscow" arrived with a great delay, so the driver decided to reduce the parking lot from 5 to 1 minute, which was not communicated to the conductors and passengers.

Unexpectedly for everyone, the train began to move, and passengers who did not have time to get on the train began to jump into the car on the move. One of the passengers, a 66-year-old resident of the city of Severo-Yeniseiskiy, fell off the handrail, fell under a wheelset and was severely injured.

In serious condition, he was taken to the hospital. The police are checking, and Russian Railways declined to comment.
Zderzenie ciężarówek
Jesse.Pinkman • 2021-11-28, 21:00
Masa zrobiła swoje bo według opisu pasażer prawidłowo jadącego MANa zmarł w szpitalu.

Oryginalny opis:
ukryta treść
There was a video of yesterday's accident involving four trucks on the Odessa - Melitopol - Novoazovsk highway.

Fighter models: Renault Premium, Volvo FN, DAF and MAN LE (this is the one that innocently suffered in its lane in the oncoming lane).

As the press service of the GUNP in the Nikolaev region reports, as a result of an accident, the MAN driver was hospitalized, his 39-year-old passenger died in an ambulance.