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I na co im to było
Jesse.Pinkman • 2022-02-18, 20:14
Próba napadu zakończona marnie dla dwóch panów. Na harda za słabo jak dla mnie, w razie czego przenieście.
...w Inwood na Manhattanie. Ah ten przepiękny Nowy Jork. Źródło.

ukryta treść
INWOOD, NY — Police released a video Tuesday of a delivery man getting beaten, thrown to the ground, and stomped on by a group of attackers in Inwood.

The 50-year-old man was delivering food on Sunday around 8:45 p.m. to a building at 60 Cooper Street. As he was waiting to get buzzed into the building the first attacker strides into the small vestibule, video shows.

The delivery man turns toward the door and just as three more people enter the building, the first person to come in throws a disguised left punch at him, video shows.

The other three attackers quickly jump in with fists and kicks, throwing off his helmet in the process.

The group eventually snatches $200 from the man and runs out of the building.

As the attackers were all wearing hoodies and masks, the only description police provided is that the four attackers are males between the ages of 16 and 20.

There have been no arrests.

Police also say, "there were no injuries reported as a result of this incident," despite the clear physical beatdown that the deliveryman takes during the video.
Wypad do sklepu
~_Yarko_ • 2022-02-12, 16:19
Na darmową fajkę i grzdyla.

Najlepszy komentarz (29 piw)
mit2 • 2022-02-12, 21:29
Babosz napisał/a:

Największym dziejowym przekleństwem Słowian

Największym przekleństwem Słowian jest istnienie rosji.
...z dzieckiem na rękach zastrzelił złodzieja w Sao Paulo. Po wszystkim zrobił dziecku kaszkę i włączył bajkę.