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Gnojek rozrabiaka. Źródło i link do całości.

ukryta treść
Sandy, Utah — On November 9, 2023, at 7:30 a.m. the Sandy Police Department said the unidentified 16-year-old stole a U.S. Army van from an Army recruiting building on 9400 South in Sandy. Officers attempted to stop the vehicle in South Jordan, but the suspect fled, and officers did not pursue. Hours later, a person called 9-1-1 and reported a teenager driving a U.S. Army van through the neighborhood and asking for gas. officers tried to stop the vehicle again. At that moment, officers found the teen followed him through Sandy, unsuccessfully trying tire spikes at a few locations to stop him.

On Monroe Street, an officer approached the driver, yelling, “Get out of the car now! Get out of the car now! Get out of the car now!” Police said the suspect backed up, made a U-Turn and started driving into oncoming traffic before hitting a motorcyclist who was severely injured. Two officers then followed the teen suspect into a dead-end area. Officers then attempted to block the suspect’s escape as he turned the vehicle around. The driver of the van then veered toward an officer and the officer opened fire in an attempt to stop the vehicle, wounding the driver. The driver stopped the vehicle after bumping into a police vehicle. Officers are seen removing the teen from the van and laying him on the ground. The teen was transported to the hospital where he later died of his injuries.
Dostawca Amazona
~_Yarko_ • 2023-11-13, 13:20

Darmowa lotna ekipa rozładunkowa paczek.
Najlepszy komentarz (40 piw)
Extermis • 2023-11-13, 13:54
Szkoda, że w każdej z tego typu paczek nie ma jakiej bomby czy czegoś w tym stylu. Działało by to jak z tą trutką na mrówki, co zanoszą do mrowiska. Mrówka zanosi słodki pokarm do gniazda, a tam trutka. Tak samo powinno rozjebać złodziejskie gniazda Didu.
Według źródła pasażer zginął na miejscu.
Najlepszy komentarz (22 piw)
Masan • 2023-10-09, 14:28
W tył Vana? xD.
To jest VAN :

To jest samochód dostawczy :

Ale tak srogie pierdolnięcie