A rebellion in a Brazilian Prison ends with a female hostage been stabbed and later dying from her wounds. The gang PCJ (Primeiro Comando de Jarú / First Command of Jarú) after taking over the prison demands better conditions claiming that they have been tortured by the guards and directors of the prison.
The inmate being interviewed threat to stab one of the hostage if the shock troop (Brazilian police specialized in rebellions) comes near by or try to enter the prison. At the same time 6 inmates of a rival gang are being asphyxiated and burned alive in the their cells (in the back of the scene).
The inmate being interviewed refuses to give orders to extinguish the fire saying that he can save the female hostage but the others inmate will die and later will be decapitated by him. He demand the press and TV staff in 30 minutes.
Running out of time the shock troop decide to attack and break the gate, what doesn't work, so they decide to jump the gate but the slowness of the operation fails and the hostage is dragged inside the prison and mortally stabbed. The inmates locked in the fire have been saved.
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Najlepszy komentarz (54 piw)
• 2013-03-15, 17:08
Nie jest możliwe utworzenie się takiego sopla w powietrzu, w dodatku w locie.
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oznaczyliśmy wszystkie materiały jako dozwolone od lat 16 lub 18.
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