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Zawalony most w Nepalu
Jesse.Pinkman • 2022-03-02, 20:48
Więcej ich tam kurwa jeszcze powinno wleźć.
Najlepszy komentarz (20 piw)
lokal.szczecin • 2022-03-02, 22:28
Most jest cały, tylko barierka jebła. Nie ma krwi nie ogladac!
Trzęsienie ziemi
CrazyEdek • 2022-02-22, 8:46
Nie zdążył.

Najlepszy komentarz (20 piw)
Payan • 2022-02-22, 9:21
Gdyby nie uciekał w zwolnionym tempie, by się udało uciec.
Zawalony mur w Indiach
Jesse.Pinkman • 2022-02-10, 11:36
Według źródła 2 ofiary śmiertelne. Źródło.

ukryta treść
2 die in Amritsar as govt school wall collapses due to storm
One of the victims was on the terrace of his house while the other was sitting on the street when the incident took place.

A 40-year-old man and his 60-year-old neighbour died after an under-construction parapet of Government High Senior Secondary School (GHSSS), Nawankot, collapsed due to the storm on Saturday night.

The deceased have been identified as Satpal Singh and Kiran Bala, whose houses are right next to the school.

Satpal’s wife Rajni told the police that around 8pm, her husband had gone to the terrace when the school’s parapet collapsed due to the storm and fell on him. Kiran Bala, who was sitting outside her house, also got injured in the incident.

The duo was rushed to a private hospital, where they succumbed to their injuries.

Rajni said that she and other people in the locality had requested the school authorities several times to stop the construction as the building was weak, but they did not pay heed.

Gate Hakima station house officer Sukhbir Singh said a case has been registered against the school authorities under Section 304 A (causing death by negligence) of the Indian Penal Code.
Solidna konstrukcja ..
~McSadol • 2022-02-01, 10:25
.. kurier miał szczęście ..

Najlepszy komentarz (26 piw)
RYHOO • 2022-02-01, 10:37
wiecej kurwa paneli,
Grupa taneczna dziewcząt...
Halman • 2022-01-16, 10:01

zagadka rozwiązana juz na samym początku...
Najlepszy komentarz (41 piw)
ququa • 2022-01-16, 10:04
Kurna to zwykła scena ..a nie rampa załadowcza tuczników na tira, nie te parametry wytrzymałosci