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Knegarn • 2017-09-14, 13:16
Powiedz nam gówniaku, jak się tam znalazłeś?

~DMT 2017-09-14, 13:22 4
DominE30 napisał/a:

Powiedz nam gówniaku, jak się tam znalazłeś?


A Chinese engineer has been saved after getting himself trapped between a lift and the lift shaft.

The man, who remains unidentified, had been installing the lift in a residential building in Chongqing, China, on September 11, according to a local news website.

As he worked on the elevator, he made a mistake which caused the lift to go up suddenly, leaving him trapped between floors.

According to a video of the accident posted by The Paper, the workers' legs were stuck and he was hanging upside down from the shaft.

The report said the man had lost the feeling in his lower body when the firefighters arrived.

The rescuers managed to pull him out after using tools to expand the gap. He was said to be freed within minutes after the firefighters arrived.

The worker was taken to the hospital immediately by paramedics.

The report did not specify the seriousness of his injuries, but it's understood that he has survived the accident.

Arcturus 2017-09-14, 13:52 6
Dość spory ten Dzidziuś
poligon6 2017-09-14, 14:02 1
Mysłalem że pójdzie do góry i zostanie ładny kadłubek, widac chińska robota.
h................o 2017-09-14, 22:45 3
Przecież w czasie w którym go ratowali urodziło się pewnie z milion nowych żółtków, to po chuj go ratowali? Jeden klon w tę czy w tę stronę- co za różnica?
tomeksg 2017-09-15, 11:14 2
Mówcie co chcecie ale ja w chińską windę bym w życiu nie wsiadł, z chińskich schodów ruchomych też bym raczej nie skorzystał.