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Zestaw Małego Terrorysty
i................i • 2016-02-11, 4:43
Mały terrorysta i duża eksplozja:


(Pod koniec "allah akbar" z ust najmłodszego członka ISIS)

Więcej info:
ukryta treść
Dare has previously been featured participating in another execution video where ISIS threatened a United Kingdom invasion, which can be viewed here.

According to The Telegraph, Dare is the “son of Grace Dare, from Lewisham [England], who wants to be [the] first woman to behead a hostage.”

Dhar was born in London. His parents and family are Hindu, according to the BBC. He converted to Islam after meeting his now-wife, a Muslim, his family says. He then changed his name to Abu Rumaysah.

Before traveling to Syria he lived in Walthamstow in east London, where he worked as a salesman for a bouncy castle company.

Dhar’s sister and other family members have spoken out about his suspected role in the new ISIS propaganda video.

“I can’t believe it. This is just so shocking for me,” his sister, Konika Dhar, told The Telegraph. “I don’t know what the authorities are doing to confirm the identity, but I need to know if it is.”

Konika Dhar told The Mirror, ” I am going to kill him myself. He is going to come back and I am going to kill him if he has done this.”

In the video, three men are accused of being coalition spies and providing information to the coalition to aid in killing ISIS militants with drones and bombs. Rumaysah then says he will kill the three alleged spies the same way they killed his Islamic State “brothers.” He then has Dare detonate the bomb rigged car the three men are shackled to.

Eramod 2016-02-12, 0:10
kiedy ta wojna ?? sadole napiszcie bo juz mnie meczy to musze sie wyzyc na nich
Uziel125 2016-08-15, 22:45