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ukryta treść
Fresno, California — On July 30, 2023, at 10:32 a.m., an officer with the Fresno Police Department responded to the 100 block of East Warner Avenue regarding a report of a vehicle that had been abandoned in the roadway. While the officer was in the process of having the vehicle towed, he was approached by a community member who told him that there was a young male on a scooter nearby that had a gun. The officer alerted Fresno Police dispatch of the community member’s report. As the officer drove southbound on North Effie Street, he observed a subject that matched the description of the subject reportedly armed with the gun. The officer notified dispatch, pulled to the side of the road and made contact with the subject. The officer ordered the subject, who was wearing a ski mask, to raise his hands and get down on his knees.

The subject complied, got down on his knees but then began to reach for an object in his waistband. The officer told him to raise his hands, but he continued to reach for the object. The subject pulled a gun from his waistband. Upon seeing this, the officer discharged his service weapon. The officer immediately requested paramedics and began to render first aid while they responded. The subject was transported to the hospital, he is listed in stable condition and is expected to recover from his injury. It was determined later that the subject was a 15-year-old juvenile. At the scene, the officer recovered the juvenile’s unloaded Glock 19 X .177 caliber bb pistol. The weapon is a replica of a Glock semiautomatic handgun with all Glock stampings. The juvenile was cited for PC 417.4 (brandishing an imitation firearm) and released to the custody of his guardian. The investigation into this critical incident is ongoing.
Tymonek 2023-08-20, 14:08
to jakis nowy challangge? wkurwianie policjantów i proby samobójcze??
Wiewór 2023-08-20, 18:26
Powaznie nie trafil w glowe z tej odleglosci?
ObciagamZaDyche 2023-08-25, 18:59
VeIture napisał/a:

Trzeba być niedojebanym umysłowo żeby mając pistolet na plastikowe kulki sięgać po niego kiedy policjant w ciebie mierzy z prawdziwej broni

Pierwszy raz wkurwiles mnie komentarzem, lecznicza trawa ci styki zorala. Mlody ze spokojem chcial wytlumaczyc ze to BB gun. Postolet na kulki. Ale wiadomo ze tam sie strzela nawet do drapiacych sie po jajach, czego spodziewas sie od malego smarla lat 15 jak w ich kraju 30latkowie sa na poziomie 15stakow.