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Gnojek przeżył ale musi nauczyć się słuchać poleceń funkcjonariuszy. Link do całości.

ukryta treść
Fresno, California — On July 30, 2023, at 10:32 a.m., an officer with the Fresno Police Department responded to the 100 block of East Warner Avenue regarding a report of a vehicle that had been abandoned in the roadway. While the officer was in the process of having the vehicle towed, he was approached by a community member who told him that there was a young male on a scooter nearby that had a gun. The officer alerted Fresno Police dispatch of the community member’s report. As the officer drove southbound on North Effie Street, he observed a subject that matched the description of the subject reportedly armed with the gun. The officer notified dispatch, pulled to the side of the road and made contact with the subject. The officer ordered the subject, who was wearing a ski mask, to raise his hands and get down on his knees.

The subject complied, got down on his knees but then began to reach for an object in his waistband. The officer told him to raise his hands, but he continued to reach for the object. The subject pulled a gun from his waistband. Upon seeing this, the officer discharged his service weapon. The officer immediately requested paramedics and began to render first aid while they responded. The subject was transported to the hospital, he is listed in stable condition and is expected to recover from his injury. It was determined later that the subject was a 15-year-old juvenile. At the scene, the officer recovered the juvenile’s unloaded Glock 19 X .177 caliber bb pistol. The weapon is a replica of a Glock semiautomatic handgun with all Glock stampings. The juvenile was cited for PC 417.4 (brandishing an imitation firearm) and released to the custody of his guardian. The investigation into this critical incident is ongoing.
Najlepszy komentarz (21 piw)
~Velture • 2023-08-18, 22:57
Trzeba być niedojebanym umysłowo żeby mając pistolet na plastikowe kulki sięgać po niego kiedy policjant w ciebie mierzy z prawdziwej broni
W źródle jest pełna 12-minutowa wersja jego popisów. Źródło.

ukryta treść
Fresno police on Friday released body-worn camera footage of officers killing a man on the lawn of the historic Meux Home. Police responded to the scene after a man who works at the Meux Home, which is on Tulare and R streets, reported an apparent break-in on Jan. 13, the video shows. Two officers arrived — a man and a woman — and found 26-year-old Edgar Mendoza, who they ordered to get on the ground, video shows. Mendoza spoke mostly Spanish to the officers, video shows, but also spoke in English at one point. Video from the female officer’s camera shows Mendoza throw a punch at the male officer.

That officer used a Taser, which brought Mendoza to his knees before he pulled out the Taser’s projectiles, video shows. Mendoza then stood up, picked up a hammer and charged the male officer. The officers fired at least four rounds as Mendoza fell to the ground. The two officers involved have not been identified, but Chief Paco Balderrama previously said they had more than 10 years each with the department.
W czym mogę wam pomóc?
Jesse.Pinkman • 2022-01-31, 16:58
Pani grzecznie zapytała a oni tak niekulturalnie. Źródło.

Oryginalny opis:
ukryta treść
CENTERVILLE, Calif. (KFSN) -- Authorities are searching for the suspects who robbed and assaulted a store clerk in Fresno County.

The crime happened on January 13 at the Circle C Market on Kings Canyon in Centerville.

Surveillance video shows a man and a woman with a gun going toward the employee, forcing the clerk behind the counter.

The man then ordered the clerk to get down before hitting her on the head.

As the man stole cash from the register, a third suspect walked in.

All three eventually ran from the store before taking off in a car.

Anyone with information is asked to call the Fresno County Sheriff's Office.
czterech podejrzanych etnicznie wpada do sklepu Apple
Najlepszy komentarz (28 piw)
~Velture • 2018-07-12, 9:44
Czarna kultura i tradycja.

Pisałem to już w poprzednich tematach o takich kradzieżach dokonywanych przez negroidów na sklepy apple ale dla przypomnienia:
Przecież apple ma to tak zabezpieczone, że po pierwsze namierzą to od razu jeśli ktoś się zaloguje gdzieś do neta i zdalnie zablokują. Nawet jeśli ktoś to od nich kupi za góra 10% wartości to i tak nawet przy formatowaniu i wgrywaniu na nowo systemu to ten system i tak się kurwa połączy z serwerami apple podając specyfikację kompa wraz z numerami seryjnymi podzespołów i adresem mac karty sieciowej...
Do kradzieży jabłek ze sklepu poza głupimi nygrami potrzebny jest kurwa niezły mózg który ogarnia jak to wszystko pozmieniać jak kiedyś zmieniało się imei w telefonach po kradzieży a te dindu nuffiny na bank chuja potrafią same ogarnąć.

Ileż to na yt filmów było jak ktoś komu skradziono iphona z palcem w dupie lokalizował jego położenie bo złodzieje (zupełnym przypadkiem same dindu nuffiny) byli zbyt głupi aby wgrać ustawienia fabryczne i korzystali z telefonu z ustawieniami i kontem apple okradzionego.
Większe półgłówki nawet wgrywały swoje zdjęcia w chmurę apple na koncie ofiary.