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Oryginalny opis:
ukryta treść
Illinois State Police have released surveillance footage showing the officer-involved shooting at the Jefferson County Courthouse.

In accordance with the ISP Division of Criminal Investigation’s commitment to integrity and transparency, video of the event is being made available to the public.

Members of Goss’ family have been afforded the opportunity to view the video prior to this release.

On Tuesday, around 1 p.m., ISP was requested by the Jefferson County Sheriff's Office to investigate an officer-involved shooting that took place at the courthouse.

ISP says a correctional officer was transporting Fredrick Goss, 55, to the courtroom for a jury trial.

While in the sally port of the courthouse, Goss was unhandcuffed by the officer, as Goss wasn't supposed to appear before the jury in restraints. After the handcuffs were removed, Goss was transferred from the transport vehicle into a wheelchair.

While in the wheelchair, Goss grabbed the correctional officer's sidearm and after a struggle, disarmed the officer. During the continued struggle for the firearm, a round was discharged.

A Jefferson County deputy assign to courthouse security saw the incident surveillance camera and went to aid the officer. The deputy discharged his weapon and struck Goss.

Goss was taken to a hospital and transferred to a St. Louis area hospital.

This remains an ongoing investigation conducted by ISP DCI Zone 7 and is under review by the Jefferson County State’s Attorney Office (JCSA). Any additional information related to this investigation will be released by JCSA.
petru23 2021-10-30, 17:14
Zawsze zastanawia mnie to, jakim cudem te knury przechodzą jakiekolwiek testy sprawności i wytrzymałości.
lm65 2021-10-30, 19:33
Co to za spaślak? kurwa rusza się jak wóz z węglem,. A czarnucha powinni zastrzelić na miejscu.
beny561 2021-10-31, 9:55
Nie wiem kto jest bardziej niepełnosprytny bambo czy policjant
grzehuu 2021-10-31, 18:50
czemu ten biłas nie skorzystał i nie wyjebał całego magazynka i do końca nie wyrwał chwasta?
PoIleTeJagody 2021-11-03, 10:31
co ten spaślak robi w ochronie