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mianas 2022-02-11, 11:22 1
I to ma sens.
Znawca_Cipek 2022-02-11, 11:22 43
Nie dziwie sie...

dżonyłojlker 2022-02-11, 12:11 19
Goryle w panice chowają arbuzy i skrzydełka z KFC.
m................l 2022-02-11, 12:28 2
Dystans do swojego koloru skóry level expert!
Najbardziej pozytywny sportowiec jakiego kojarzę
dejwid092 2022-02-11, 13:14 2
Znawca_Cipek napisał/a:

Nie dziwie sie...

Chujowe porównanie dałeś laske która ma 150cm i goryla który ma 216. ..
Znawca_Cipek 2022-02-11, 13:27 6
dejwid092 napisał/a:

Chujowe porównanie dałeś laske która ma 150cm i goryla który ma 216. ..

Wytlumacz to gorylom w zoo, Panie Mecenasie.
andrzejrobert75 2022-02-11, 13:45
Kto wybrzydza ten....
radek225 2022-02-11, 14:34 3
Dziwne, żeby swój swojego się bał .
silas78 2022-02-11, 16:19 10
Goryl by takiego Szakila zapakował, ostemplował, i wysłał za pobraniem . Za gorillafacts.org:

"Gorilla Strength Test

According to the Guinness Book of World Records, a silverback gorilla can lift up to 815 kg (1800 lb).
On the other hand, a well trained human weightlifter can lift weight up to 410 kg (900 lb) which is half to what a Gorilla can lift.
A Gorilla strength test was conducted in 1924, which showed that an adult gorilla can throw a 450 kg (900 lb) of force.
While an average human can throw 100 kg (220 lb) which is five times less than that of a gorilla.

How Strong Is A Gorilla Punch

A gorilla punch has not been measured yet. We can deduct the strength of a gorilla punch as follows:
Gorillas are 4 to 9 times stronger than human.
Assume that the punch strength of a Gorilla and human has the same ratio.
The average punch force of karate black belt is recorded at 325 pounds.
So the punch force of a gorilla could be from 1300 lbs to 2700 lbs.

Gorilla Jaw Strength

Gorilla jaw strength is extraordinary which makes their bite very powerful.
Their bite force is almost double than that of a lion.
They have 32 teeth like humans.
The bite strength of a gorilla is about 1300 pounds per square inch (PSI) which is much higher than that of a great white shark (525 PSI) and lion (650 PSI)."
Jacek86s 2022-02-11, 20:44 5
silas78 napisał/a:

Goryl by takiego Szakila zapakował, ostemplował, i wysłał za pobraniem . Za gorillafacts.org:
"Gorilla Strength Test
According to the Guinness Book of World Records, a silverback gorilla can lift up to 815 kg (1800 lb).
On the other hand, a well trained human weightlifter can lift weight up to 410 kg (900 lb) which is half to what a Gorilla can lift.
A Gorilla strength test was conducted in 1924, which showed that an adult gorilla can throw a 450 kg (900 lb) of force.
While an average human can throw 100 kg (220 lb) which is five times less than that of a gorilla.
How Strong Is A Gorilla Punch
A gorilla punch has not been measured yet. We can deduct the strength of a gorilla punch as follows:
Gorillas are 4 to 9 times stronger than human.
Assume that the punch strength of a Gorilla and human has the same ratio.
The average punch force of karate black belt is recorded at 325 pounds.
So the punch force of a gorilla could be from 1300 lbs to 2700 lbs.
Gorilla Jaw Strength
Gorilla jaw strength is extraordinary which makes their bite very powerful.
Their bite force is almost double than that of a lion.
They have 32 teeth like humans.
The bite strength of a gorilla is about 1300 pounds per square inch (PSI) which is much higher than that of a great white shark (525 PSI) and lion (650 PSI)."

W szkole pewnie w pierwszej ławce siedziałeś co?
sas_anka 2022-02-11, 22:35 2
gumofc 2022-02-11, 22:39
Zazdrosne siusiaczki z sadola próbują się rasizmem podbudować.
TrzyDwaJeden 2022-02-12, 2:24
Małpę do małpy ciągnie - co w tym dziwnego ?
notak 2022-02-12, 7:11 2
sas_anka napisał/a:


to idz do zoo jako opiekun