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Pilot i pasażer zginęli na miejscu. Źródło.

ukryta treść
ROWLETT, Texas - The pilot of a helicopter and a passenger did not survive a fiery crash in Rowlett Friday morning.

The crash happened just before noon, in a field surrounded by a number of businesses in the 2200 block of Lakeview Parkway, which is about two miles west of the President George Bush Turnpike.

The aircraft burst into flames after impact. Dozens of people working nearby rushed to try and save the two people inside, but the flames were too much.

Firefighter were later able to quickly put the fire out.

Rowlett police confirmed the pilot and one other person died in the crash. The victims' names have not yet been released.

The crash site is being preserved until National Transportation Safety Board and FAA investigators arrive Saturday morning.

Video shared by a FOX4 viewer shows a portion of the helicopter separated from the body of the aircraft as it was spiraling to the ground.

The tail rotor separated from the body of the aircraft midair and it landed on a storage building.

Witnesses watched what happened rushed to help, but there wasn't much that could be done.

"I heard an explosion, and a few seconds later, I saw the helicopter hit the ground. I jumped out, it was already in a ball of fire, I jumped out and tried to get him out, but it was too late," Philip Herndon said. "You don’t have a thought, you just try to go help."

"You could see people getting close, you could see them back away shielding themselves, because it was just so hot. It was nothing they could do to save them, unfortunately," John Rangle recalled. "All these areas where he could have hit, it definitely could have caused more casualties."

Rowlett detective Cruz Hernandez was nearby when the crash happened and was the first law enforcement on the scene.

"It was miracle that the helicopter crashed in this commercial vacant lot. It’s surrounded by businesses, no one on the ground was hurt by the helicopter crash or by the debris," he said.

Hernandez was moved by the amount of people rushing to try and help.

"For me, it was hope, that people would help during a tragedy," he said. "You got a helicopter down, it burst into flames, you don’t know if it would burst again."

The tail number of the helicopter showed it was owned by Sky Helicopters, a company in Garland that also provides air resources to FOX 4 News.

It’s a Robinson R-44 modelA helicopter that carries a fair share of safety concerns.

A 2018 Los Angeles Times investigation called the R-44 "exceptionally deadly."

Data collected by the LA Times showed that between 2006 and 2016, there were 42 deadly crashes involving the R-44 in the U.S.

Just last month, an R-44 helicopter crashed into the water off Miami Beach. The pilot reported a violent shaking in the aircraft before losing control. One person died.

And in January, Robinson sent out a service bulletin to R-44 owners, calling on them to replace specific tail rotor blades, issued as spares, because some may crack.

According to the FAA, failures from tail rotor blade cracks can lead to loss of control.

It’s unclear if this helicopter had those affected blades. It’s likely something investigators will try to determine.
TrzyDwaJeden 2022-03-26, 13:20 1
Ruska szkoła pilotażu
Jarosławkaczyński 2022-03-26, 14:52
Czyli że nie żyją?
s................l 2022-03-26, 17:12
Jarosławkaczyński napisał/a:

Czyli że nie żyją?

Przeżyli, teleportowali się do Nibylandii i żyli długo i szczęśliwie. Jasne, że kurwa nie żyją.
dogip 2022-03-26, 17:22 1
Ten gość na końcu nie umie tłumaczyć. Nasza rodaczka jest lepsza

PsikutaBezS 2022-03-26, 19:45 1
Inne ujęcie. Moment uderzenia o ziemie.

mcclay 2022-03-26, 23:40 1
PsikutaBezS napisał/a:

Inne ujęcie. Moment uderzenia o ziemie.

Yyyyyy jasne....
ZaSwojePiję 2022-03-26, 23:42 1
Mnie zawsze zastanawia, ze ludzie latajacy swoimi pierdolnikami, nie pomysla i nie trzymaja na pokladzie spadochronow, zawsze to mozna sprobowac sie uratowac.
Disi81 2022-03-26, 23:55 1
Film pokazuje 1:10 min. Popcorn, czipsy, drink przygotowany. A tu w 2 sekundzie jeb na glebę. No kurwa może stopniujmy napięcie czy coś?
wujek_afgan 2022-03-27, 3:08
ZaSwojePiję napisał/a:

Mnie zawsze zastanawia, ze ludzie latajacy swoimi pierdolnikami, nie pomysla i nie trzymaja na pokladzie spadochronow, zawsze to mozna sprobowac sie uratowac.

z helikoptera. spadochronem...
OdRydzykaZpolecenia 2022-03-27, 6:33
Mam takie same zdanie . Korci mnie zrobić licencje na małe samoloty ale pierwsza będzie licencja na indywidualny skok ze spadochronem

Mam takie same zdanie . Korci mnie zrobić licencje na małe samoloty ale pierwsza będzie licencja na indywidualny skok ze spadochronem
wujek_afgan napisał/a:

z helikoptera. spadochronem...

m10bp 2022-03-27, 12:17
Na innym filmie widać jak końcówka ogona spada oddzielnie od śmigłowca. Bardzo prawdopodobne, że pilot dopuścił do LowG które w robinsonach czy to 22 44 czy 66 może prowadzić do rozhuśtania wirnika tak mocno że łopaty wirnika nośnego ucinają belkę ogonową w powietrzu. Dla zainteresowanych parę słów o mast bumping
willoo 2022-03-28, 1:53
jakiś kolega bryanta leciał ?
PotężnyWarmianin 2022-03-28, 4:05
ZaSwojePiję napisał/a:

Mnie zawsze zastanawia, ze ludzie latajacy swoimi pierdolnikami, nie pomysla i nie trzymaja na pokladzie spadochronow, zawsze to mozna sprobowac sie uratowac.

Może dlatego kurwa, ze jak wyskoczysz to zrobi z ciebie mielonkę? Zadziwia mnie głupota ludzi.