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Łopatka w brzuchu
Lashlo • 2010-02-16, 18:10
Nie chce mnie się tłumaczyć:

PRAGUE &#8212; It took five long months for a Czech woman to discover the reason for her pain: Doctors had left a foot-long medical tool inside her abdomen.<br> <br> This month, doctors at a clinic in the southeastern town of Ivancice discovered their colleagues had forgotten to remove a spatula-like surgical instrument from the woman following gynecological surgery in September.<br> <br> Top regional official Michal Hasek apologized to Zdenka Kopeckova, 66, and said Monday that the region, which is in charge of the clinic, plans to compensate her.<br> <br> Clinic head Jaromir Hrubes blamed "a series of individual failures" and said four employees had been punished.<br> <br> CT24 news television reported that the woman, who complained repeatedly to her doctors about the pain, plans to sue.

Zdolniachy kurwa!
Ciekawe kiedy parasol zostawią

Lord of Suffering 2010-02-16, 21:48 1
Łopatka Co oni mu piasek z nerek usuwali
olo1990pl 2010-02-17, 22:36
@Lord of Suffering
JEJ - "from the woman following gynecological surgery"