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ukryta treść
Laguna Beach , California — On March 11, 2021, at approximately 5:54 p.m., Steinmetz is seen on video surveillance footage entering the Balboa Bay Resort parking garage. In that footage, Steinmetz entered and drove away in a white Mercedes Sedan at 5:55 p.m. Around 6:15 p.m., the owner of the Mercedes called Newport Beach police to report it stolen. Approximately 6:18 p.m., Laguna Beach Police Department Officer Ryan Radel, observed the Mercedes driven by Steinmetz traveling southbound at a high rate of speed. Officer Radel followed Steinmetz in the Mercedes, waiting for a safe place to conduct a traffic stop. Steinmetz continued to drive unpredictably. Steinmetz pulled the Mercedes over on the shoulder of Pacific Coast Highway, and Officer Radel exited his police unit to approach Steinmetz on the driver side. As Officer Radel approached, Steinmetz suddenly made a hard-left turn and quickly accelerated his vehicle away from Officer Radel. As Officer Radel raced back to his unit to give chase, Steinmetz collided with multiple cars. This collision caused one vehicle to veer off the road and another to flip and ultimately end on its side. Steinmetz continued eastbound on Newport Coast Drive from Pacific Coast Highway.

During the pursuit, Steinmetz swerved in and out of oncoming traffic while driving on the wrong side of the road. Laguna Beach police officers successfully deployed a spike strip which caused severe damage to the tires of the Mercedes. Eventually, Corporal James Gramer successfully performed a pursuit intervention technique (PIT) maneuver by tapping the rear of the Mercedes with the front of his police vehicle, causing the Mercedes to spin and eventually stop. At 6:38 p.m., less than 15 seconds after the Mercedes came to a stop, Steinmetz quickly exited his vehicle. Upon exiting, Steinmetz immediately stepped backward and made a distinct movement to put both hands to his right hip. This was indicative of someone attempting to grab or hide something at the right hip. Steinmetz continued to keep his hands at his waistband then suddenly walked forward, almost jumping or lunging, toward the officers. As Steinmetz moved rapidly toward the officers, Steinmetz quickly raised both hands chest high from his right hip.

He simultaneously pressed his palms together, extended his finger and arms outward directly at Officer Radel. Steinmetz purposefully simulated having a gun by making this gesture and doing so in a quick movement. Due to this perceived threat, Officer Radel fired six rounds. Despite the shots fired, Steinmetz appeared unfazed and continued to move forward towards the officers. Steinmetz continued charging toward the officers, moving between Officer Radel and Sergeant Downing's vehicles. Officers indicated it was clear Steinmetz was not holding a firearm, therefore non-lethal force was used. The Taser successfully incapacitated Steinmetz, and he fell to the ground. Officer Radel then retrieved a first aid kit and provided it to the officers who immediately began rendering aid. Steinmetz was transported to Mission Hospital Mission Viejo. Steinmetz was transported at the hospital and eventually underwent surgery. Steinmetz was deemed to have sustained three gunshot wounds: one to his upper left chest, one to his lower right abdomen, and one to his lower left forearm. He ultimately survived his injuries.
SkoPio1 2023-10-31, 10:33
Hm... 50% skuteczności na tak małym dystansie?
Funkcjonariusz Radel winien być skierowany na solidne przeszkolenie strzeleckie.
henzo31 2023-10-31, 10:44
Zakładając że część z tych 6ciu kulek poleciałą w Merola i w krzaki to i tak typ musi mieć we krwi niezłą tablice Mendelejewa. Jebany Terminator
Fima 2023-10-31, 15:01 2
Ale performance odjebał.
pyjo84 2023-10-31, 17:08
Chciał strzelać z palców
mordka009 2023-10-31, 23:46
Gdyby był czarny dostał by cały magazynek i jeszcze by policjant przeładował żeby poprawić...


Error 404
Juzef_Rzelazin 2023-11-01, 7:04
I prawidlowo, do ludzi się nie strzela
jkllll485 2023-11-01, 14:17
Patrzeć jak ten Mercedes przyjedzie do PL i w okolicach wiosny na Daleszycach będzie w promocyjnej cenie.
jazeck 2023-11-02, 13:27
Widać że nie dostał żadnej kulki, kolor skóry go uratował.
Krajowa Rada Radiofonii i Telewizji zobligowała nas do oznaczania kategorii wiekowych materiałów wideo wgranych na nasze serwery. W związku z tym, zgodnie ze specyfikacją z tej strony oznaczyliśmy wszystkie materiały jako dozwolone od lat 16 lub 18.

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