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~DMT 2022-03-10, 19:35
Klasowy Chairman...
PytaJakArmata 2022-03-10, 19:55 9
No ale o co chodzi, przecież chciał tylko zabić kolegę krzesłem…
35i 2022-03-10, 20:26 58
Wjebać gnoja do poprawczaka. Ciekawe, czy też tak się będzie uśmiechał, schylając się pod mydło.
marcino_zly 2022-03-10, 20:39 2
35i napisał/a:

Wjebać gnoja do poprawczaka. Ciekawe, czy też tak się będzie uśmiechał, schylając się pod mydło.

Jak on to zrobi?
Jak się schyli pod mydło???

Kolejne pytanie bez racjonalnej odpowiedzi...
35i 2022-03-10, 20:47 7
marcino_zly napisał/a:

Jak on to zrobi?
Jak się schyli pod mydło???

Kolejne pytanie bez racjonalnej odpowiedzi...

Zapytaj starego, jeżeli go znasz.
Rumcajsen 2022-03-10, 21:29
Już myślałem że coś lepszego wyciągnie z za siebie
grudzin7 2022-03-10, 21:43 15
twarz nieskalana rozumem...
Spar1988 2022-03-10, 22:18 3
bezstresowe wychowanie
marcino_zly 2022-03-10, 23:13 5
-That is not even funny!
=Oh yeah it is!

I ten tępy wyraz twarzy hehe

35i napisał/a:

Zapytaj starego, jeżeli go znasz.

Pytałem Twojego starego i tnie wiedziałem że masz starą to zapytalem też przy okazji,
Powiedzieli że ty znasz odpowiedź, gdyż wiesz jak to się robi.
Attero132 2022-03-10, 23:37
Takiego pajaca to tylko do piachu
~prophetess 2022-03-10, 23:42 6
Wybaczcie translator, ale tutaj jest trochę informacji.

Cytat z artykułu:

MARICOPA — A Maricopa High School student was charged with aggravated assault after allegedly striking a classmate with a chair in a classroom.

In a 25-second phone-recorded video obtained by PinalCentral, a male student standing with his backpack on in a computer lab raises a blue-backed chair with metal legs over his head, then brings the chair down over his head. He hit the other student in the head and the upper back with enough force to create a “whoosh” sound upon contact.

The victim was sitting and had a hood over his head, and did not move after being struck.

PinalCentral is not sharing the video due to the presence of many children.

At first, only a few students noticed the interaction before the hit and thought it amusing. After the loud hit, the students flinched and turned toward the incident.

One student can be heard swearing with many other students saying, “oh!” and gasping.

The perpetrator can be seen moments after the first hit raise the chair above his head again before what sounds like a teacher saying, “hey, put it down now.”

The perpetrator turns toward the teacher with the chair still raised above his head and responds, “tell him to move.”

The teacher again says, “put the chair down now.”

While chuckling, the perpetrator again says, “tell him to move.”

A female student sitting in front of the victim can be seen putting a protective hand over the victim’s head while the interaction continues.

The teacher says, “it’s not even funny,” to which the perpetrator responds while still chuckling, “oh, yeah it is.”

The students in the background can be seen getting more worried as the interaction carries on, especially the male student who is also wearing a hood sitting right in between the victim and the perpetrator.

Again, the teacher says this time with a stronger tone, “put the chair down now,” to which again the student responds, “tell him to move” while turning and gesturing with his head in the victim’s direction, the chair still raised above his head.

The same female student touching the victim’s head can be seen reaching her arm over to the male student sitting between the victim and perpetrator, trying to help him get up and move away from the perpetrator.

It isn’t clear in the video but it seems maybe another student takes the chair out of the perpetrator’s hand and sets it down off the phone camera’s view. It doesn’t look like the perpetrator set it down himself nor did he drop the chair since there isn’t a noise nor did his actions indicate he did.

Once the chair is set down off camera, the perpetrator’s demeanor changes slightly and he looks directly at the camera for a moment.

Before the video ends, possibly a student or teacher’s aide goes over to check on the victim.

The person who recorded the video had a clear view of the whole scene from sitting in the row behind the incident.

According to the Maricopa Unified School District, the victim wasn’t transported by ambulance. They were assessed by the MHS registered nurse and released to a parent.

MUSD stated the administration was “addressing the incident and appropriate disciplinary actions will be taken based on school discipline procedures and school district policy.”

The district stated the Maricopa Police Department was notified of this incident.

MPD stated the perpetrator was charged with aggravated assault and released to his parents.

Tuco 2022-03-11, 1:00 1
Tak się kończy zjebane dzieciakowi psychy kreskówkami. To pokolenie nie ma żadnej przyszłości...
URAGE 2022-03-11, 1:44 14
Tuco napisał/a:

Tak się kończy zjebane dzieciakowi psychy kreskówkami. To pokolenie nie ma żadnej przyszłości...

Co ty pierdolisz. Tak się kończy brak zainteresowania rodziców w wychowywanie dzieci, bo wystarczy dać dach nad głową, ubrania, jedzenie i pieniądze. Pierdolone materialistyczne rozpuszczanie dzieciaków, bo liczyć trzeba pieniądze a nie liczyć się z konsekwencjami.
Tuco 2022-03-11, 2:14

Lepiej ci?

Sądzisz, że jak rozpiszesz się szerzej o tym samym, co ja, to pierdolisz mniej?
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