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Oprócz policjanta wcześniej opluł też jeszcze kilku przypadkowych przechodniów. Źródło i link do całości.

ukryta treść
Birmingham, Alabama — On Wednesday, September 20, 2023, South Precinct Officers were dispatched to a report of a disorderly person in Underwood Park. Four Birmingham Police Officers responded to separate incident locations, in connection with the 911 call. The suspect has been identified as 28-year-old Theodore Williams of Irondale, Alabama. Officers #1 and #2 made contact with an adult male victim, in Underwood Park. The adult male victim stated, while he was walking in Underwood Park, he was approached by a male wearing a black jacket in blue jeans and the suspects spit on him. While officers #1 and #2 were gathering information to put in an incident report, officers #3 and #4 observed Theodore Williams walking in the 2500 block of 10th Avenue South.

He matched the clothing description of the suspect. Officers #3 and #4 approached Williams, but he fled on foot. They relayed information that he was running on foot over the police radio, officers #1 and #2 then got in their patrol car and drove until they observed Williams walking in the 2300 block of 10th Avenue South. Officer #2 approached him. Williams stated to officer #2 that he was going to physically assault him and then he struck officer #2 with a closed fist. Williams then fled on foot, officer #1 pursued him on foot. During the foot pursuit, officer #1 deployed his taser however it was unsuccessful. Both officer #1 and Theodore Williams, ran westbound until Williams stopped in the roadway in the 2200 block of Magnolia Avenue. He then faced towards officer #1. Officer #1 told Williams to turn around and place his hands behind his back, Williams refused and spit on officer #1.

Officer #1 took Williams to the ground and while on the ground, delivered multiple closed fist strikes to Williams. Officer #1 applied handcuffs on him. A South Precinct Sergeant responded to the 2200 block of Magnolia Avenue. Birmingham Fire Rescue Personnel responded to the 2200 block of Magnolia Avenue and treated Williams. Neither officers, #1, #2, #3, #4, nor Williams suffered any serious injuries. Williams was placed in a patrol car and then transported to a local area hospital, to be checked out by medical staff. Williams was then transported to the Birmingham city jail, where he remains in custody. Officers presented case information to the City of Birmingham’s Magistrate Office, who charged Williams with assault with bodily fluids, physical harassment, disorderly conduct and resisting arrest.
cedrikk 2023-09-23, 9:37 7
Niby czarny Policjant ale oddany służbie.
żmij 2023-09-23, 9:45 11
cedrikk napisał/a:

Niby czarny Policjant ale oddany służbie.

Zawsze dobrze pierdolnąć se babusa z rana.
BTW; Alabama powinna przywrócić tradycyjne ogniska z krzyżem.

leonidkacap 2023-09-23, 9:51 2
brakuje zeby mu po głowie poskakał, ale chyba kamera go hamowała
psyhepl 2023-09-23, 12:46
pewnie świeżo co zhakował komuś płyte głowna
barman32 2023-09-23, 13:02
Mam nadzieje, że tą melą go zaraził jakiś nieuleczalnym syfem.
joti 2023-09-23, 13:21 1
Murzyni w USA gardzą murzynami w policji, dlatego zapewne go opluł. Zwykle kończy się na wyzwiskach do nich, typu biała świnia.
alucard321 2023-09-23, 13:50 3
Małpa powinna siedzieć w klatce za bioterroryzm
mygyry 2023-09-23, 14:00
Bić po mordzie u czarnego nie będzie widać
HabaźPOLAND 2023-09-25, 23:57
Policjant faktycznie też jest czarny ale widać że karnacja już mu się zmienia na jaśniejszą. Odrazu można zauważyć znaczące rozwinięcie typowo ludzkich odruchów. Film powyżej jest tego dowodem. A tak na marginesie to fantastycznie ubił tego pluja