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...skończyła ze złamaną kostką a 24-letni kierowca został aresztowany. Źródło.

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NEW YORK, NY: When cops, in the Bronx, tried to stop a suspicious truck, a female cop was dragged and ran over, breaking her ankle. The suspect, Usman Haruna (age 24) was arrested on several charges.
...podczas próby zdjęcia odcisków palców w Miami.

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Surveillance video shows a man punching a police officer unconscious on Tuesday in a room at the Miami-Dade Police Department headquarters in Doral.

The officer took Nestor Rodriguez to a room to fingerprint him. The video shows Rodriguez, 32, outpowered the officer. A department employee heard the noise, opened the door to investigate, and intervened.

Detective Alvaro Zabaleta, a spokesman for the department, said the officer was treated at the hospital and was back home recovering on Wednesday.

“Fortunately, a forensics civilian comes in and they are able to restrain him, but he begins to fight again,” Zabaleta said.

Rodriguez was detained after receiving a report about a threatening man who was armed with a knife in southwest Miami-Dade. He was armed with an 8-inch knife and refused to answer questions, police said.

Director Freddy Ramirez was outraged after learning the officer suffered lacerations to his face, according to Zabaleta. He related it to the video showing a man recently punching a uniformed Miami-Dade police officer at Miami International Airport.

“The continued violence against our law enforcement officers is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. We must come together as one to protect our community and our police officers from those that choose to engage in vicious acts,” Ramirez said in a statement.

Rodriguez remains in custody but had yet to face charges on Wednesday evening.
...kilka kulek chociaż zapewniali go, że Bóg jest po jego stronie.

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Los Angeles, California — On October 31, 2021, around 3:25p.m., LAPD Van Nuys Division officers responded to a radio call of a vandalism suspect.The suspect later was identified as 46-years-old Melkon Michaelidis. Michaelidis was reported to be possibly suffering from mental illness and breaking windows and property inside his residence. Upon their arrival, the officers attempted to communicate with Michaelidis for approximately 40 minutes from outside his residence and convince him to exit. Michaelidis refused, and after determining no one else was inside the residence, the officers tactically disengaged and cleared the scene.

At around 5:09p.m., a second radio call was generated when Michaelidis was observed outside his residence armed with two knives and vandalizing parked vehicles. Van Nuys patrol officers ultimately encountered Michaelidis on Victory Boulevard west of Matilija Avenue holding a knife in each hand. The officers verbalized with Michaelidis, who began walking toward them while armed with one of the knives, resulting in an officer-involved shooting and a simultaneous deployment of less-lethal munitions. Michaelidis was struck by gunfire and collapsed to the pavement. He was determined deceased at scene by Los Angeles Fire Department personnel. Two knives were recovered at the scene. No officers were injured during the incident.
Co tu się odpierdala...
Jesse.Pinkman • 2021-12-19, 14:04
...krzyknął zdegustowany sąsiad i pogonił zwierzęta ze swojego terenu.
Najlepszy komentarz (41 piw)
mygyry • 2021-12-19, 14:17
Mógł jeszcze chwilę zaczekać, na przykład aż się woda zagotuje
...i pobita w Filadelfii. Źródło.

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Jenkintown, PA: In a suburb of Philidelphia, a woman was attacked, dragged from her car, and beaten in the street in a vicious road-rage attack.