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Problem rasizmu w ameryce
cuurniprime • 2021-12-18, 2:01
W skrócie, pijany policjant przyjebał się do murzyna za jedzenie w barze. Pewnie sam by zjadł i to go wkurwiło...

Najlepszy komentarz (26 piw)
Babababazpl • 2021-12-18, 2:23
Gość wygląda na taką pizdę życiową, co to go rówieśnicy lali po ryju na szkolnych przerwach, a żona to pewnie leje po dziś dzień, o ile oczywiście taki świniak znalazł odpowiednio mocno zdesperowaną samicę. Nie, no szczerze - facet wygląda na zbitkę słabych genów, która mundurem chce połechtać własne ego, dodatkowo wydaje się być albo oszczędnie obdarzony w intelekt, albo lekko podpity.
Gazem po oczach
Jesse.Pinkman • 2021-12-16, 14:57
Awantura w Dallas i gościu chyba jest za stuprocentowym równouprawnieniem bo wjebał się w nie bez ceregieli.
Według źródła 18-latek wybrał się na wycieczkę z plecakiem pełnym broni, zmarł po przewiezieniu do szpitala.

Oryginalny opis:
ukryta treść
The Bernalillo County Sheriff’s Office released body camera and surveillance video from the Nov. 26 incident in the North Valley in which a deputy shot and killed 18-year-old Elijah Riche armed with an “AR-15 style pistol” and carrying a backpack full of guns. The incident unfolded after BCSO says Riche crashed a red SUV into other cars at the intersection of Edith and Montaño around 2 p.m. on November 26, 2021, the day after Thanksgiving. One deputy followed the suspect south on Edith for about a quarter of a mile, until Riche crashed into a fence at Edith and Nikanda. The suspect gets out of the vehicle, runs about 10 feet down from the vehicle, he stops, turns back around and arms himself with weapons from the vehicle, then starts running again. In the body cam video, another responding deputy, Ronald Perez, noticed Riche was armed with an AR-15 pistol and asked him multiple times to put it down. Riche turned back, and continued running toward other deputies with the gun still in hand. That’s when deputy Perez shot him one time. Riche was taken to the hospital, but did not survive his injuries. BCSO found four other guns in Riche's car and backpack at the scene. BCSO said Riche had no criminal history as an adult but has a juvenile record.
Według źródła w garażu (po tym jak go załatwili) znaleziono zwłoki jego matki. Tutaj dłuższa wersja.

Oryginalny opis:
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The Independent Investigations Division (IID) of the Office of the Attorney General released body-worn camera video from a police- involved fatal shooting on November 28, 2021. The decedent was identified as Digno Ramon Yorro, Jr. Responding officers had their body-worn cameras activated during the encounter. At approximately 1:30 p.m. on November 28th, a woman called 911 to report that a male family member armed with a knife had chased her from a residence in the 1400 block of Braden Loop in Glen Burnie. Anne Arundel County police responded to the scene and knocked several times on the door to the townhouse with no response. Police then forcibly opened the front door and were met by Yorro who was armed with a knife. Officers ordered Yorro to drop the knife multiple times. When Yorro refused to comply with the officers’ verbal commands to drop the weapon, one officer deployed several bean-bag shotgun rounds and then his Taser, neither of which was effective. Yorro then walked towards the officers still armed with the knife, at which time, Cpl. J. Burger discharged his duty weapon, shooting Yorro multiple times. Yorro was pronounced deceased at the scene. During the subsequent search of the residence, police discovered a deceased woman in the garage who had suffered from trauma. She was identified as Yorro’s mother.
Awantura i strzały
Jesse.Pinkman • 2021-12-14, 21:03
Zaczęło się od bójki a skończyło na strzelaniu. Chicago.
Najlepszy komentarz (52 piw)
garota • 2021-12-14, 21:13
Czarnuchy nie potrafią honorowo. Nawet nie potrafią skumać że to się po prostu nie opłaca. "Zabiję gościa i idę na 20 lat do pierdla. Ale za to mu pokazałem kto jest czarny."
Tutaj nagrania z mundurów funkcjonariuszy.

Oryginalny opis:
ukryta treść
The Houston Police Department released body camera video of a police chase that ended in law enforcement officers shooting 42-year-old Elliott Lewis. Houston police said the incident happened on Nov. 11 around 11:24 a.m. when Harris County Precinct 4 deputies attempted to conduct a traffic stop on a shooting suspect near the intersection of Holcombe Boulevard and Cambridge Street. Lewis refused to stop and a pursuit ensued. Lewis drove several miles, eventually arriving at a parking lot at the above address.

After driving around the parking lot several times, HPD SWAT Officers Dexter and Gonzalez performed a vehicle maneuver and boxed in Lewis vehicle. Lewis then exited his vehicle with a weapon, pointed it at officers, and discharged the weapon at them. Officers Dexter and Gonzalez and Harris County Precinct 4 deputies discharged their duty weapons at Lewis, striking him. HPD SWAT officers then rendered medical aid to Lewis, who was pronounced deceased at the scene by paramedics. An innocent bystander was also injured during the shooting when a bullet fragment hit his ankle.
Pan Cortez uszkodził...
Jesse.Pinkman • 2021-12-14, 10:41
...kilka samochodów w okolicy i według źródła po spotkaniu z policjantami i terapii taserem i ołowiem zmarł w szpitalu.

Oryginalny opis:
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Glendale police released edited body camera footage of an officer involved shooting that took place on Wednesday, November 3, 2021. The incident occurred near the area of 62nd Avenue and Maryland Avenue. Officers were responding to the area on a complaint that there was an individual who was damaging cars in the area. When officers arrived they found a suspect matching the description of the callers. The suspect later was identified as 26-year-old Jose Enriquez Cortez. Cortez jumped in a car to get away from the scene, hitting an officer’s patrol car in the process. Several officers followed Cortez vehicle through the neighborhood attempting to get him to stop. At one point, Cortez jumps out of the car and begins charging and acting erratically towards officers. Officers used a taser to de-escalate the situation, but it was ineffective. Cortez then charged at officers while reaching behind him, it was then that an officer shot Cortez. Despite life-saving measures, Cortez was pronounced dead at a local hospital.