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Cofanie po amerykańsku
Jesse.Pinkman • 2021-10-12, 10:46
Aż trudno uwierzyć w takie spierdolenie umysłowe. Polecam oglądać do samego końca
Najlepszy komentarz (25 piw)
janlew • 2021-10-12, 11:21
"Ma pan poważny problem ze stresem. Niech pan kupi jeepa, albo crossa, albo piękną przyczepę kampingową i jedzie na wycieczkę. Albo wszystko na raz, najlepiej. Stres zniknie, gwarantuje!"
Kto nie miał zabawek dla dużych chłopców to nie wie... motorówka, cross, jeep, kamper, rajdówka... każde z nich więcej wkurwiania się, kosztów i problemów niż faktycznej frajdy i zabawy.
Akcja z wczoraj, według opisu skrzydło zabiło kuriera w dostawczaku. Krótki ale mocny materiał, jest ujęcie z bliska.

Oryginalny opis:
ukryta treść
October 11, 2021
Two structures were destroyed in the fire after the plane came down near Santana High School in Santee, and two or three others were damaged as well
The doctor piloting a twin-engine Cessna C340 that crashed Monday in Santee near Santana High School has been identified as one of at least two people killed in the incident, officials said.

The plane was headed to San Diego from Yuma, Arizona, had some sort of issue and was attempting to land at Gillespie Field, which is near the high school, when it crashed on a nearby street at around 12:15 p.m.

ccording to witnesses, the plane, which had tail number N7022G, went down along Greencastle Street where it intersects with Jeremy Streets. The wing of the plane clipped a UPS truck that was nearing a stop sign, killing the driver. The fuselage then slid toward two homes and exploded, witnesses said.

The chief medical officer of the Yuma Regional Medical Center confirmed early on Monday evening that the pilot of the plane was a colleague.

Shortly before 2 p.m. at a news conference near the crash scene, Santee Fire Department Deputy Fire Chief Justin Matsushita confirmed that at least two people died in the crash or the ensuing fire.

"It's a pretty brutal scene for our guys and we're trying to comb through it," Matsushita said, adding that he was unsure if there were additional fatalities. He did say that the debris field from the crash extended nearly a block to the southeast.

Nie prowokuj murzynów...
Halman • 2021-10-11, 4:52

bo będziesz płakać jak ostatnia pizda...
Najlepszy komentarz (30 piw)
Misiek_KRK • 2021-10-11, 8:06
po raz pierwszy trzeba przyznać rację murzynowi. Biały prowokował i pierwszy uderzył, więc kara musi być. Oczywiście kolega czarny musiał dokopać lezącemu, ale ten pierwszy odepchnął go co też idzie na plus dla murzyna.
Pan Cervantes...
Jesse.Pinkman • 2021-10-08, 21:51
...udawał, że sięga po broń, więc go zastrzelili. Według opisu po przeszukaniu ciała okazało się, że nie był uzbrojony. Wcześniej pokłócił się z żoną.

Oryginalny opis:
ukryta treść
Las Vegas, Nevada — The Nevada Highway Patrol released body camera footage that shows a suspect pretend to pull and point a weapon before he was fatally shot by troopers in the northeast valley on Oct. 3, 2021. The suspect, 41-year-old Adrian Zarate-Cervantes, was in a fight with his wife, when he called 911, according to NHP. Trooper Michael Abbate first stopped Zarate-Cervantes around 8:19 a.m. Trooper Mark Willner arrived three minutes later. Both troopers gave orders for Zarate-Cervantes to exit the vehicle with his hands up. Both body-worn camera video and dashcam video appear to show Zarate-Cervantes reach into his waistband, behind his back, as if he was trying to grab a gun. Both troopers fired a single shot and Zarate-Cervantes fell to the ground. The victim was directed to exit the vehicle, and the troopers rendered first aid to Zarate-Cervantes, but he died at the scene. It was later discovered that Zarate-Cervantes did not have a weapon in his possession.
Najlepszy komentarz (23 piw)
mygyry • 2021-10-08, 22:48
Pooglądaj sobie materiały na których dziurawią tych "morderców" to zrozumiesz dlaczego nie pierdolą się z tym gównem co nie wykonuje poleceń
Policjanci z Kent poszukują sprawcy brutalnego ataku na 70-letnią kobietę.

Oryginalny opis:
ukryta treść
Kent Police and Crime Stoppers of Puget Sound are asking for the public’s help to identify a suspect who violently attacked a 70-year-old woman.

Detectives say the suspect walked into a bookstore on 1st Avenue S. in downtown Kent on Sept. 22 around 2 p.m. After milling around for a moment, surveillance video shows him going behind the counter and chasing the clerk around to the front.

He then started kicking her in the head and chest, punching her in the face and body and is seen groping her several times. As the woman fought back, she bit him on the face, so he could have bite marks.

The man never said anything and didn’t rob her. After the assault, he stumbled out of the store and headed north towards Kaibara Park or the Burlington Northern train tracks.

Police describe the suspect as Hispanic, possibly in his 20s, with medium height and medium build. He has a mustache and a small amount of hair on his chin.
Według opisu pobita 65-letnia kobieta zdołała ochronić torebkę z pieniędzmi i napastnik odjechał z pustymi rękoma.

Oryginalny opis:
ukryta treść
The NYPD on Wednesday released frightening video of a 65-year-old woman being chased down and attacked on a Brooklyn street in an attempted purse snatching.

Police said it happened back on Sept. 28, around 4:40 p.m. as the woman was walking near the intersection of Saint Edwards and Willoughby streets, right by Fort Greene Park.

Surveillance video shows an unidentified suspect ride up on a bicycle, dismount and immediately begin to run after the woman, chasing her down the block and into the middle of the street.

He grabbed her purse, but when she resisted, he punched her in the face multiple times before dragging her to the ground and punching her again, the footage shows.

Police said the victim was able to retain her purse, which contained money from collecting and cashing in aluminum cans.

The would-be thief fled the area on his bike empty handed, according to authorities.

The woman suffered pain and swelling to the face, back pain and abrasions to her body, officials said.

EMS transported the woman to an area hospital for treatment.

The NYPD released the disturbing video in hopes the public could help identify the suspect No arrests had been made, as of Wednesday, Oct. 6