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Nie ma opisu o co poszło ale wrzucam, żeby wieczorem poczytać komentarze. Liczę na waszą kreatywność
Najlepszy komentarz (95 piw)
mygyry • 2021-10-25, 13:56
Husarz12 napisał/a:

No co się miało stać? Porzucamy ciemnogród. To zjawisko globalne. Gusła, krzyże, mekki to nie dla myślącego człowieka. Tym bardziej że Ci piewcy moralności są najczęściej sami mocno wynaturzeni.

Kurwa tylko nie mów mi, że facet robiący oborę podczas mszy jest przedstawicielem tych myślących, bo zacznę od niedzieli chodzić do kościoła.
Pościg za 12 latkiem
Szakhal • 2021-10-25, 9:37
Taki temat, gdy ani 12 lat na karku, ani szmata Cripsów, nie zapewnia Ci nietykalności, ani szacunku władz

Według opisu:
Newly released body-camera footage shows a 12-year-old boy who led Doña Ana County sheriff's deputies on a pursuit and crashed in September 12, 2021. The chase eventually came to an end when the stolen SUV headed down a road in the wrong direction, colliding head-on with another vehicle.
The 12-year-old had ammunition for a 9mm handgun in his possession, which led to deputies finding a handgun that had been thrown out of the moving vehicle.

Proste polecenie, 5 sekund na wykonanie i rozjebana szyba czyli konkretny, szybki i fachowy policjant kontra tępa hamburgerowa dzida.
Najlepszy komentarz (111 piw)
Jesse.Pinkman • 2021-10-24, 18:26
N0llan napisał/a:

Ktoś wie jak to się skończyło?

Policjant po sprawnie wykonanej robocie pierdolnął piwko z kumplami.
...do czegoś zobowiązuje. Były marine wyrwał broń napastnikowi a drugi spierdolił. Szkoda, że ucięte w najlepszym momencie.

Oryginalny opis:
ukryta treść
A man who used to serve in the Marine Corps helped stop an armed robbery at a gas station in Yuma on Wednesday morning. The Yuma County Sheriff's Office said two people dressed in black went into the Chevron and one of them was armed with a handgun. Surveillance video shows a customer wearing a hat at the counter, holding a bag.

The armed man points the gun at the gas station worker but that's when the customer pushes the gun away and takes a swing at the suspect. The man disarmed the would-be thief and detained him until deputies arrived. YCSO said when asked how the customer was able to take control of the situation, he replied, "The Marine Corp taught me not to (mess) around."

The second suspect and a third suspect who was standing outside ran off from the store and haven't been found.

The armed suspect is under 18 and was booked into the Yuma County Juvenile Justice Center for one count of armed robbery and one count of aggravated assault. No one was hurt. An investigation is underway.
Najlepszy komentarz (37 piw)
Manolito666 • 2021-10-21, 13:22
Szacun. Co innego pieprzyć głupoty, co to by się nie wyprawiało, a co innego wcielić to w czyn. Automatycznie i bez zastanowienia.
Staranowani piesi i dziecko odniosło śmiertelne obrażenia w USA.

Oryginalny opis:
ukryta treść
On October 17, 2021, around 7:35 a.m., a fatal hit and run traffic collision occurred on Nordhoff Street and Langdon Avenue when a silver colored 2016 Honda HRV, heading westbound Nordhoff Street, sideswiped an approaching vehicle that was travelling eastbound Nordhoff Street as the Honda attempted to negotiate a left turn onto Langdon Avenue.

The approaching vehicle was a grey colored sedan, 4-door, possibly a Toyota Camry. Due to the nature of the impact, the Honda HRV changed its direction and began heading towards the southeast corner that was populated by several pedestrians. The Honda HRV drove onto the sidewalk colliding with some of the pedestrians. One of the pedestrians was a one-and-a-half-year-old child who was in a stroller. The Honda HRV pinned the stroller and victim against a brick planter. The driver of the grey colored sedan continued to drive eastbound Nordhoff Street without stopping, identifying themselves, or attempting to render aid.

The Los Angeles Fire Department paramedics arrived at the scene and transported the victims to a local hospital. One of the victims was treated and released, but the child succumbed to his injuries and died. The name of the child will not be released until next-of-kin has been notified.