A thief from Parque do Coqueiros in Natal, a town in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil robbed the same bakery twice in one month, and then when he came the third time, the locals caught him and this is what they did to him.
They thied the thief’s hands behind his back, ran the rope around his genitals and dragged him, kicked him, stomped him and slapped with a flip flop for more than seven minutes until someone finally delivered a knock out kick that laid him out unconscious. The thief was eventually rescued by the Military Police.
Got to love how a street mob won’t ever be satisfied until the target is either killed or knocked the fuck out. The thief was without a doubt a big piece of shit and deserved a good lesson, but it’s still quite disheartening that so many are so quick to throw in a punch at someone who has been rendered defenseless.
spoko luz, nie bili go w szczepionkeNie no kara nie jest współmierna. Gościu ojebał trochę bułek a katowali go jak za gwałt.
Link do ruskiego artykułu:
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