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Domek na prowincji
Ponury Knur • 2011-09-08, 10:45
Pewien gość postanowił kupić sobie domek na
prowincji. Dopytuje się gospodarza:
- A okolica tutaj cicha?
- Panie, taka cicha jak nie wiem co. W zeszłym
tygodniu bandyci pięciu ludzi na śmierć zamęczyli i
trzy domy okradli, a nikt w okolicy nic nie słyszał.
Dannyk • 2011-03-25, 11:26
Urodzony przywódca potrafi przywołać wszystkich do porządku jednym słowem.

Nauczyciel nie wytrzymał
R................g • 2010-10-10, 18:54
Zwolnili go za to


A teacher was removed from McGavock High School after a bizarre incident in a classroom that forced the principal to call parents and explain what happened.

The incident happened in Donald Wood's 11th grade algebra class Friday. Video shot by a student in class showed Wood throwing two tables, a garbage can and a chair.

The video starts with Wood telling a group of laughing students to "shut up."

After standing quietly for about 20 seconds while students laughed, Wood waved his arms and said, "If you can be absolutely quiet… if you can shut your mouth… you can shut your mouth and you can listen in absolute silence… do you know why? Cause I have the absolute…"

"Power!" shouted one of the students.

"I've got it, and I know it," said Wood. "And guess who else knows it?"

Wood shouted something else that could not be understood before knocking a table to the ground. He then walked to the other side of the classroom and knocked over another table.

He shouted, "Do you know who started the fire? Do you know who started the fire in this school?"

A student said something inaudible, and Wood continued, "No… me!"

Wood picked up a metal trash can and slammed it to the ground. Students then began to leave the classroom. Witnesses said Wood then picked up a chair and threw it at the window - breaking the glass.

"He picked a chair and threw it on the ground – not at a student, but towards a student, but it was close – and that's when I got up and started walking away," said junior Joshua Jenkins. "Once everybody started running out he picked up a chair and threw it out the window and it shattered.

Najlepszy komentarz (55 piw)
A................N • 2010-10-10, 19:04
Powinni mu dać medal a czarnego zastrzelić dla zasady.
symfonia dla sadystów
krzychu1388 • 2010-10-06, 18:10
Dla niecierpliwych akcja zaczyna się od razu

Najlepszy komentarz (41 piw)
ziu2 • 2010-10-06, 18:56
bo liczy się pierdolnięcie
Jak uciszyć widownię?
Vireek • 2010-08-13, 19:00
Prosty, ale skuteczny sposób na uciszenie bandy "małp" na widowni

Jeśli spodobała się prezenterka oto nazwisko: Cat Deeley
Najlepszy komentarz (37 piw)
wowka01 • 2010-08-13, 19:19
No i nie wiem kto wygrał