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Dilerzy nowicjusze
Flodzia • 2024-06-25, 22:08
Oznaczony jako duplikat
konkurencja okazała się silniejsza

Masaż, makijaż i fryzjer
Flodzia • 2024-05-21, 21:17
A to wszystko w pakiecie u dilera

Kara za dług
Reichsmarschall • 2024-05-05, 22:45
Oznaczony jako duplikat
Typowa kacapska obsrana codzienność - dziewczyna dostaje solidny wpierdol na odludziu od Iwanów Mamutowiczów z Muchosrańska - powodem oczywiście sprawy okołonarkotykowe.

Tłumaczenie na angielski:

Guy1: *inaudible*
Guy2: Open the door please, Artem, open
Girl: *inaudible*
Guy3: talk
Guy2: Get her out of the car *tries to push her while she’s mumbles something*, get your hands away. Get them away or you’ll pay for that.
Girl: y’all are fuckers
Guy2: Apologize, you cunt
Girl: What the fuck do I need to apologize for?
Guy2: The shop you-
Guy2: Ah, you fucking cunt
*Girl gets beaten by Guy3*
Guy2: Ah, and where did all that attitude of yours went, huh? AH, YOU STINKY CUNT. YOU FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT-
Girl: Ouch, fuck
Guy2: *to the other guy* good, good, stop for now. *Back to the girl* Eh, you cunt. Couldn’t recieve the drugs as your payment, huh?
Girl: I wanted *sob*, to trade it
Guy2: Get the fuck out. Get out of the car! You cunt, couldn’t recieve your payment as drugs?
Girl: I-
Guy1: You don’t understand the normal language?
Guy2: get the fuck out, you, stinky cunt *drags her out*. Apologize, now.
Girl: I’m so sorry, please-
Guy2: On your knees! *to the other guy* wait, don’t punch her. *Back to the girl* apologize to the shop. Apologize to the shop now!
Girl: I’m so sorry, I apologize, please don’t touch me
Guy2: Apologize to the *inaudible name*
Girl: that’s it, I’m sorry-
Guy2: How many did you take (drugs)?
Girl: I only took a little
Guy2: How many grams?
*Girl gets kicked in the head* ouch!
Guy2: *to the other guy* Okay, okay, that’s enough
Girl: please stop! *Inaudible mumbling*
Guy2: And why did you lied to me? Couldn’t taken the drugs, huh?
Girl: I wanted to sell them later- *gets kicked* Ouch, ouch, it hurts…
Guy2: *to other guys* Come on, come on, we gotta leave
Chłosta za dług
Flodzia • 2024-05-05, 17:55
Standardowo zapomniała zapłacić za prochy

kamerzysta z parkinsonem albo ciężko mu filmować i walić konia jednocześnie
Najlepszy komentarz (20 piw)
turor • 2024-05-05, 19:04
~Velture napisał/a:

zobaczę czy uda mi się ustabilizować

Na jednej nodze?
Musiałbyś dzieciństwo w shaolinie spędzić