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Dziadzia z alzheimerem...
Halman • 2023-12-28, 9:19

na końcu dobrze pokazane te małpie blmowskie mordy...
Najlepszy komentarz (42 piw)
Teutonic • 2023-12-28, 10:27
Jebane czarne gówno

czarnoskóry uczeń kulturalnie bo bez skakania po głowie domaga się od nauczyciela zwrotu zabranego telefonu...

Najlepszy komentarz (29 piw)
Zulu-Gula • 2023-04-08, 8:20

... i tyle w temacie.
Głuchoniemy trans...
C0C0JUMBO • 2022-11-18, 21:26

Oglądasz na własną odpowiedzialność. :-p
Najlepszy komentarz (146 piw)
garota • 2022-11-18, 21:31
Niech jakaś kometa pierdolnie w tą planetę bo to już jest niezabawne....
Zastrzelenie rapera Takeoff z grupy Migos
A................a • 2022-11-04, 2:22
HOUSTON – Trwa śledztwo po tym, jak raper Takeoff z popularnej grupy Migos został śmiertelnie postrzelony podczas prywatnej imprezy w kręgielni w centrum Houston we wtorek, potwierdził przedstawiciel grupy.

Funkcjonariusze z Departamentu Policji w Houston i funkcjonariusze służb ratunkowych z Departamentu Straży Pożarnej w Houston odpowiedzieli na doniesienia o strzelaninie w 810 Billiards & Bowling, mieszczącym się w 1201 San Jacinto, około 2:40 w nocy.

HPD powiedział, że kiedy funkcjonariusze przybyli na miejsce zdarzenia, zlokalizowali duży tłum i mężczyznę na trzecim piętrze, obecnie zidentyfikowanego jako raper Takeoff, którego prawdziwe nazwisko to Kirshnik Khari Ball. Raport lekarza sądowego ujawnił, że został postrzelony w głowę i tors w ramię. Takeoff został ogłoszony martwy na miejscu zdarzenia.

source: reddit, click2houston

Najlepszy komentarz (61 piw)
4Lokalny2Chłopaczek0 • 2022-11-04, 3:14
Nie znałem ani 1 kawałka tego brudasa i chuj muuu w dupę i alleluja i do przodu
Home invader
MisDetonator • 2022-07-24, 1:55
Pan Kolor Skóry Przypadkowy co to nigdy Dindu Nuffin wpadł do domu pary staruszków z niecnymi intencjami. Tam też złapał nóż z kuchni i próbował ich dziabać. Przybyły z odsieczą Somsiad z gnatem wykazał się niekompetencją, gdyż Dindu go podziabał i przechwycił jego klamkę.
Na szczęście weterynarze pojawili się bardzo szybko i byli bardzo kompetentni. Szybko rozpoznając objawy Wścieklicy Afrykańskiej, nie byli zbyt chętni by łowić i odstawiać małpę do zoo. Zamiast tego, rozwiązali problem - definitywnie.

Najlepsza scena z leczenia niedosłyszącego pacjenta:
Bang Bang Bang Bang Babang!
Bang Bang Bang Bang Babang Babababang!
Bang, Ban!
Bang bang, bang!

Jak widać nowatorska terapia ostatecznie przywróciła chłopu słuch! Grunt to nie żałować amunicji .

HPD is releasing body camera footage of an officer-involved shooting at 6721 Langdon Lane on June 22. HOUSTON, Texas (KTRK) – A suspect shot by a Houston police officer Wednesday morning in southwest Houston died, according to the department.

Houston mamy problem
MisDetonator • 2022-05-29, 1:10
Jimmy Braian, lvl 23 został 4 maja zatrzymany do kontroli drogowej. Okazało się że nie ma dokumentów, policjant kazał mu więc wysiąść z samochodu. Jimmy zamiast grzecznie wysiąść zaczął nawalać z klamki trafiając wielokrotnie policjanta w tors oraz miednicę.
Okazało się że nasz wesoły kierowca był poszukiwany przez DEA za poważne przestępstwa narkotykowe, wydano nakaz jego aresztowania po tym jak wyszedł za kaucją wysokości bagatela 100 000$.
Policjant został przewieziony do szpitala prywatnym samochodem (pick-upem) zaś przestępcy udzielono pomocy na miejscu i trafił do szpitala, jego stan określono jako stabilny. Obaj policjanci biorący udział w strzelaninie to weterani z 10 letnim stażem, życie postrzelonemu uratowała kamizelka kuloodporna i latarka na piersi.
A działo się to w Houston w Texasie.


ukryta treść

Houston, Texas — The Houston Police Department on Tuesday released body cam video of a shooting that wounded a police officer outside a southeast Houston gas station earlier this month. Charges have been filed against a suspect arrested in the shooting of an HPD officer at 14300 Gulf Freeway (South Interstate Highway 45) about 11:20 a.m. on Wednesday (May 4). The suspect, Jimmy Bryan, 23, is charged with two counts of aggravated assault of a public servant in the 338th State District Court. HPD Officer J. Sallee, who discharged his duty weapon, suffered a gunshot wound to the lower pelvic area and was transported to Memorial Hermann Southeast Hospital in stable condition. Officer M. McMurtry, who also discharged his duty weapon, was not injured in this incident.Both were sworn in as HPD officers in June 2012 and are assigned to the Traffic Enforcement Division.

HPD Special Investigations Unit Sergeant R. Flores and Detectives A. Hurtado and R. Anderson reported: Members of the HPD Narcotics Division were conducting a multi-agency narcotics investigation in the area of the above address. As part of the investigation, officers with the HPD Highway Interdiction Unit conducted a traffic stop on a vehicle, driven by Bryan, who stopped at a gas station at the above address. Officers approached the vehicle, made contact with the driver and asked him to exit the vehicle. The suspect (Bryan) then produced a weapon and fired several shots at the officers. Officer Sallee was struck at this time. Officers Sallee and McMurtry discharged their duty weapons, striking the suspect. Officer Sallee was transported by private vehicle to the hospital. Houston Fire Department paramedics transported the suspect to an area hospital in stable condition.

Po więcej wpiszcie sobie Gulf Freeway 4 may houston czy imię sprawcy.
Terminator jebaniutki. Źródło i link do całości.

ukryta treść
The Houston Police Department released video of their deadly encounter Feb. 23 with a man accused of fatally shooting a San Jacinto County deputy constable with the officer's own weapon at the PlazAmericas mall. San Jacinto Precinct 1 constable deputy Neil Adams, 62, was shot to death by 35-year-old Czyz Deonte Harrison, who was also shot and killed, according to HPD.

Officers were dispatched to an assist the officer call at the mall at 7500 Bellaire Boulevard about 4 p.m. on Wednesday (Feb. 23). Upon arrival, officers met crowds of people exiting the mall stating that a male wearing a blue shirt was involved in a physical altercation with an officer inside of a business. Witnesses stated the male suspect took the officer’s weapon and shot the officer (Constable Deputy Adams). Officers entered the mall and located Harrison coming from the second floor. He was wielding a knife.

Officers took cover and utilized voice commands, but Harrison refused to comply with orders. When Harrison began charging at the officers. two officers discharged their duty weapons, striking Harrison. Harrison fell, got up and attempted to flee. Officers utilized a conducted energy device (Taser), causing Harrison to fall to the ground. Harrison continued to resist and officers eventually were able to place him into custody. Paramedics then transported Harrison to the hospital where he was pronounced dead.
Akcja z Houston. Źródło.

ukryta treść
HOUSTON, Texas (KTRK) -- HPD officials say preliminary information from the scene is that the suspect began shooting at officers, who fired back. The man was hit, and Houston police later confirmed that he died. His identity has not been released while family members are being notified of his death.

Houston Police Chief Troy Finner said the man was sitting in his car in the driveway when the officers pulled up in front of the residence in a marked vehicle and he immediately began firing before the officers got out of the car.

"We don't know what's going on in these times. We don't know what's going on in people's heads. We have to pray for everybody involved," Finner said. "Nobody wants to show up at work and get involved in a shooting."

Finner said the investigation is in the early stages. Since the shooting took place in Harris County, the Harris County Sheriff's Office will lead the joint investigation with the Harris County District Attorney's Office. HPD will conduct a standard internal investigation as well.

"Nobody knows what's going on in somebody's head, but I know that somehow the violence, it has to cease," Finner stressed.

The officers were not hurt, Finner said. They will be placed on administrative leave during the investigation. At least one HPD vehicle was hit by gunfire, according to Finner.