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Ucieczka, pościg, blokada i zatrzymanie poszukiwanego listem gończym. Źródło i link do całości.

ukryta treść
Indian River County, Florida — On Wednesday, October 4, 2023, the Indian River County Sheriff’s Office was contacted by the Jupiter Police Department and was notified of a stabbing that occurred in their jurisdiction with the suspect, identified as 28-year-old Nicholas David Parchesco, last seen fleeing northbound on I-95 at high rates of speed. Deputies immediately responded to the south county line and waited for the vehicle. Real Time Crime Center located the vehicle on LPR cameras positioned in the area and shared live information of its location and direction of travel.

Deputies in the area and HAWK (Helicopter) received the real time information and quickly spotted the vehicle entering county. Parchesco dangerously attempted to elude deputies but was successfully slowed down and eventually stopped after various measures were utilized. Parchesco was taken into custody and faces multiple charges, including attempted murder. No one was injured during the pursuit and arrest. Parchesco was booked into the Indian River County jail, where he was given a $100,000 bond for fleeing and eluding law enforcement. Officials haven't released information about the doctor who was stabbed, including his identity or condition.
~_Yarko_ • 2021-04-15, 12:46
Kanadyjska policja w akcji.

nakręcił sie tych kółek przy policji która ma zakaz krzywdzenia i pojechał..

w offie słyszymy komentarze osobnika z szczątkowym mózgiem...
de_Sade • 2019-09-30, 1:22
Angielska policja próbuje zatrzymać czarne audi.

Ostatecznie sukces, ale trochę brakuje im płynności
Najlepszy komentarz (37 piw)
r061071 • 2019-09-30, 1:32
w us wyciagnęliby z auta durszlak moze nawet na bawarii tez by odjebali goscia a tu musieli prosić o wyjscie