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📌 Konflikt izrealsko-arabski (tylko materiały z opisem) - ostatnia aktualizacja: 2024-07-01, 21:54


Więcej info w spojlerze.

ukryta treść
Men were brutally thrashed in a violence that took place at a toll plaza in Rajasthan's Jodhpur. The incident was caught on camera and the video of the incident is doing rounds on social media. It can be seen in the video that few youths are being inhumanely beaten at the Khejarli toll plaza and the vehicle is also vandalised with sticks.

The attackers are the toll operators who brutally thrashed the youths and smashed their car. Strict action should be taken against these hooligans.

There are reports that the incident occurred on the night of Wednesday (December 20). As per reports, Satyanarayan Gurjar who is a resident of Bagdi Police Station area in Pali district was travelling along with his friends in a black Mahindra Scorpio SUV.

He and his friends had an argument with the workers at the Jaadan toll booth. When they reached the Khejarli toll booth, around 10-12 people were waiting with sticks and bamboo in their hands.

They attacked the car as soon as it reached the toll naka. They violently assaulted the occupants by pulling them out of the car. The entire incident was caught on the CCTV cameras installed at the toll plaza. Narayan Lal, who was driving the car was seriously injured in the attack by the toll plaza operators. A complaint has been filed against the accused at the Luni Police Station by the victims.

As per the complaint, the toll plaza operators attacked the youths and brutally thrashed them and also looted an amount of Rs 2.9 lakhs which was kept in the car at the time of the incident. There are also reports that on of the accused also broke the gold chain worn by Satyanarayan. The report has been filed against Vishnu Maanju, Ravi Babal, Suresh alias Supa, Pradeep, and Rakesh.

Police have registered a case and have initiated a probe

Police have registered a case and have initiated a probe into the matter. There are no reports of any arrest till now in connection with the matter. The police is investigating the CCTV cameras installed at the toll plaza and also the cameras installed at the toll plaza where the argument occurred earlier. The Police will soon nab the accused in the case.
Miłośnik nastolatek
Jesse.Pinkman • 2023-12-22, 18:22
Według źródła ukarany za umawianie się z 14-latką, zna ktoś ruski i może to zweryfikować?
Najlepszy komentarz (32 piw)
Manolito666 • 2023-12-22, 18:40
Jesse.Pinkman napisał/a:

To w końcu z Berlina teraz przychodzą instrukcje dla rządu czy z Moskwy? Słyszałem też ciekawą odklejkę pewnego pisowca, że Tusk to rusko-niemiecki agent dlatego pytam bo już się w gubię w tym pisowskim bełkocie

Czyżby miłośnik murzyńskich imigrantów?
Zajebany w Indiach
Jesse.Pinkman • 2023-12-22, 14:39
Według źródła była to akcja odwetowa. Więcej info w spojlerze.

ukryta treść
A 36-year-old man was brutally killed by a group of unknown miscreants in Hyderabad. The incident took place near a school under Sadan police station limits. A video of the gruesome murder that was caught on a CCTV camera installed in the area has surfaced.

Incident reported on December 10th

As per media reports, the accused allegedly attacked the man, identified as Mohd Tariq Ali Quadri, on December 10 at around 3 am. There are also reports that the victim was allegedly involved in the murder of Maruthi Nayeem who was a property offender, in May 2012.

The victim was an AIMIM party worker

There are also reports that the victim who was brutally killed by the assailants worked as a party worker Asaduddin Owaisi's AIMIM party in Hyderabad.

Attacked the victim with the sharp weapon multiple times

A group of seven people were reportedly involved in the murder who attacked the victim with the sharp weapon multiple times. They attacked the victim with daggers and sickles near the Vikas High School.

The police reached the spot where he was killed

The police reached the spot where he was killed and took the dead body of the victim into their custody. The Police sent the dead body of the victim to the Osmania General Hospital mortuary for post-mortem examination.

A case has been registered in connection with the matter

A case has been registered in connection with the matter and the police have initiated a probe into the matter. There are reports that the victim died due to excessive loss of blood after being brutally attacked by the assailants.

Police examining the CCTV footage

The Police said that they are examining the CCTV footage to identify and nab the accused. The motive behind the murder is yet to be ascertained.
Jeden z pasażerów postanowił zareagować.
Najlepszy komentarz (80 piw)
Cupracabra • 2023-12-02, 5:41
PsikutaBezS napisał/a:

Co by nie było - nie kopie się leżącego - ale wyznawcy tęczy tego nie rozumieją.

Pierdolenie. Jeżeli sytuacja tego wymaga to się kopie.
Jakby było mało na tym świecie gwałcicieli, morderców, gangusów itd.. Nie ma zasad wobec ludzi, którzy nie mają zasad. Koniec, kropka.